Chapter 21: Zarah

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Hey lovelies. I've finally had time to sit and write. I don't think I've been this stressed ever since I've started uni. Sorry for the absence. Enjoy💖



I turned around and laid on my back as I looked at the ceiling immersed in my thoughts.
"Was I being harsh to her?" I thought.
"why did it bother me when i saw her coming out of a man's car?"
"Was I jealous?" I combed through my beard with my fingers as I turned and laid on my side "wait! If I was jealous, does that mean that I like her?"
"she's my wife and that was a normal instinct" another voice in my head said.
"What if it develops into something big I cannot control?"
"What's there to be scared of" another voice said.
"Ughh" I stood up and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

I wiped the steamy mirror and looked at myself.
"Fahad don't let yourself fall for a woman....."
I was interrupted by the growling sound coming from my stomach . I quickly entered my room, got dressed and prayed Zuhr.
As I was saying some duas after praying, my tummy grumbled again so I stood up and went into my kitchen. I said a prayer hoping that i would find something eatable inside the fridge but as i opened it, i found out that I only had water and a can of coke inside.
"Nooo" I said as I banged the door shut. An idea popped into my head and I began walking towards yasmin's side.
I haven't seen her in 2 weeks now and was tired of eating Ruth's food and takeouts.
"Ruth" I called as I peeped into yasmin's kitchen.
"Yes sir" the house keeper answered.
"Good morning sir" she said as she bowed her head down as a sign of respect.

"Morning. Is yasmin up?" I whispered.

"I don't know sir. She leaves her room these days only to go to work and during the weekends, she doesn't come out unless I force her to eat"

I felt sad. "Ohh. Has she eaten today?" I asked with concern.

"I made fried chips and eggs sir but she refused to eat it"

"Let's cook something she likes then" i said.

"You can cook sir?" She asked curiously.

"Uhh! Great! let's start " i said ignoring the question as i entered the kitchen.

She brought out the pots and turned around to look at me "what are we cooking sir?"

"Anything yasmin likes"

"She loves yam porridge " she said as her eyes lightened up.

"Ohh" I said surprised. I hate yam and anything made out of it.
"Wow" I said shaking my head.

"Yes sir" she said as she started peeling the yam. "She never gets tired of it because it reminds her of home. I hope I make it as good as hers though."

I took out a knife and looked at Ruth. "What will I help you with?"

"Absolutely nothing sir" she said quickly.

"Should i wash the meat?" I asked.

"Here, cut these" she said as she handed me some onions, tomatoes and pepper.
I took them and began cutting them.

I can't remember the last time tears fell from my eyes. Even when baba passed away, i felt a lump in my throat  however i couldn't cry. But here i was shedding tears because Mrs Onions decided that i had to.

"Do we really need the onions? " i asked Ruth as i rubbed my eyes which made it worse as i had already began cutting the onions.

"Yes sir we do"

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