Chapter 15: The Prank

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It was already our third day in Hawaii. I was really enjoying the place. Surprisingly, Fahad and i hadn't eaten off each other's head.....YET.

In the afternoon I got bored and went to the pool beside our room. I sat down on the chair and watched the water. Fahad came in with his swimming shorts and looked at me.
"Won't you swim?" he asked.
"No I don't swim" I quickly dated my eyes away from checking him out.
"Why" he inquired as he tilted his head to the side.
"Because I don't want to"

In a blink of an eye, he rushed to where i was sitting. I stood up and backed away. "No" i said firmly. He ignored my screams, scooped me in his arm and proceeded to throw me into the pool.
"Stop" I shouted as I wiggled out of his arms.
I took him off guard and pushed him into the water.
"Haaaa" I laughed mischievously as I went back to where I sat earlier. Few minutes later, I noticed that Fahad hadn't resurfaced. 
"Fahad" I called out from my seat. I stood up and peeped into the pool.
"Fahad" I shouted, this time a little louder.
"Fahad I swear to God if you're joking, I'll actually kill you "
There was still no movement in the water. I peeped again into the water and saw him standing lifeless. That was when my heart started pounding very hard in my chest.
He looked like he had drowned.
I started thinking of what to do.
The first thing I thought of was to jump in the pool and take him out when I remembered that I couldn't swim myself.
"Help!" I screamed helplessly.
"Anyone? Help!!" I screamed again as I held onto the stairs in the pool. I ran around to see if there was a life guard but no one was there.
I ran into the room and dialed the reception with shaky hands.
"Hello this is the reception how.."
"Hello" I interrupted. "My husband just drowned in the pool" I said.
"I'm gonna need you to calm down ma'am"
"You don't tell me what to do. I'm telling you that my husband is drowning, about to die and you tell me to calm down?"
"Where is he ma'am"she asked.
"In the pool" I screamed.
"I mean which pool" she asked in a monotone.
"The private one beside our room" I said as I wiped the tears that were running down uncontrollably.
"Okay we'll be there shortly "
I ran back to the pool in hopes of seeing him sitting by the pool laughing at me, instead he was still in the water.
The receptionist came in with two lifeguards and jumped into the water and dragged his lifeless body out.
I turned pale as I saw him lying hopelessly on the floor.
They started pushing on his chest to take out the water in him.
I closed my eyes and started praying to Allah to save my husband.
"Ohh Allah I haven't even been married for a week and I'm about to be a widow " I cried out.
I heard someone cough and I looked up to see that it was Fahad so I rushed to him, hugging him as if my life depended on it.
"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.
He opened his mouth to talk.
"Don't talk, it'll make your throat dry.
"Help me take him to the room" I said to the two men beside me.

In the room we laid him on the bed. I ordered soup to the room and switched off the A.C as he seemed really cold.
I took the bowl and went on to feed him "I am not handicapped " he said as he took the plate.
"Thankyou" he added sincerely as he looked at me.
"For?" I asked.
"I could had died if it wasn't for you"
"I pushed you in " I said trying hard to hold in my tears.
"It was my fault" he said "I shouldn't have tried to throw you in"

I sat there and watched him finish the food. In between, he felt my gaze and finally looked up
"what? Do I have food on my face?" He proceeded to rub his face.
I shook my head and said "no "

I went to sleep on the sofa "I'll sleep there, you can sleep on the bed"he said.
"No, I can manage" I said while laying down.
"No. Come and sleep on the bed" he stood up and came to the sofa.
"I'm not standing up" I said stubbornly as I turned my back to him.
I heard him sigh as he went back to the bed.

I pulled the duvet to cover my eyes as the sun was directly on my face. I hissed as it penetrated through the duvet. Wasn't the sofa backing the sun i thought. I stretched as I turned around only to be hit by a body.
I opened my eyes to see Fahad and quickly turned my back to him. Wait what! I thought as I turned around a second time. I vividly remember sleeping on the couch last night.
Feeling my face on him, he said"I carried you here" with his eyes closed.
"Why" I questioned. "It was more comfortable there" I said.
"No it wasn't" he said as he opened his eyes and looked at me judgingly.
"Fine it wasn't " I said surrendering.
"See! It wasn't hard to admit it" he said while smiling as he closed his eyes. "I can feel you staring at my face" he added.
"What? Me?" I scoffed as I got up the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I heard him laugh from the room and I smiled while locking the door behind me.
After taking my shower, I walked back into the room to find that Fahad had gone out. I quickly dressed up and went to the beach to find him on his phone. So I quietly tip toed behind him to scare him when I heard him say
"Wallahi ina gaya maka(I'm telling you)" he laughed. "She kept screaming for help" he added while holding onto his tummy as he laughed harder.
Why is he telling his friend about my reaction to the incident yesterday. I thought
"It was as if a lion was eating me oo" He added.
"My friend I need an award" he said "for holding my breath for that long underwater "
I felt my heart sink.
"If you see how she acts now, one will think we're in love" he said in a pompous tone.
"I told you that I could make any girl fall for me easily and you denied it"
Hearing that, I gasped and he quickly turned around before releasing his phone on the ground with a thud.

Ohh hey there! Thank you for reading this chapter 💖
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