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Once upon a time in the bustling city of Seoul, two teenagers, Kim Sunoo and Nishimura Riki, found themselves drawn together by their shared passion for music. Sunoo, a talented singer-songwriter with a soulful voice, and Riki, a skilled guitarist with fingers that danced across the strings, met by chance at a local music festival.

Their friendship blossomed quickly as they spent countless hours jamming together in Sunoo's cozy attic studio, their melodies echoing through the neighborhood. Each note they played seemed to weave a bond between them, transcending language barriers and cultural differences.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Sunoo and Riki became inseparable. They shared their dreams, their fears, and their deepest secrets, finding solace in each other's company. Sunoo confided in Riki about his aspirations to become a professional musician, while Riki shared his struggles with adjusting to life in a new country.

Despite their close friendship, both Sunoo and Riki harbored feelings for each other that they were too afraid to admit. Sunoo was hesitant to confess his love for Riki, fearing that it would ruin their friendship. And Riki, unsure of his own feelings and still grappling with his identity, kept his emotions locked away deep inside.

But fate had other plans for them.

One fateful evening, as they sat under the stars strumming their guitars, a gentle breeze carrying the scent of cherry blossoms, their eyes met in a moment of perfect clarity. In that instant, they knew that their bond was more than just friendship.

With trembling hands and hearts pounding in their chests, Sunoo finally found the courage to speak his truth. "Riki," he whispered, his voice barely above a breath, "I love you."

Riki's eyes widened in surprise, his heart racing as he searched Sunoo's gaze for any hint of doubt or hesitation. Finding none, he reached out and took Sunoo's hand in his own, his fingers intertwining with his friend's.

"I love you too, Sunoo," Riki confessed, his voice barely louder than a whisper, but filled with a depth of emotion that echoed through the silent night.

In that moment, as they sat together under the stars, their fingers still entwined and their hearts beating as one, Sunoo and Riki knew that they had found something truly special – a love that transcended borders, language, and time.

And as they continued to make music together, their melodies now infused with the sweet harmony of love, Kim Sunoo and Nishimura Riki became an inseparable duo, their bond unbreakable and their hearts forever entwined.

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