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Kim Sunoo and Nishimura Riki were polar opposites. Sunoo was a confident and dominant alpha, while Riki was a shy and submissive omega. Despite their differences, they were drawn to each other like magnets. They were both members of a prestigious club for alphas and omegas, where they could meet and mingle with others of their kind.
One night, as they were both enjoying the lively atmosphere of the club, their eyes met from across the room. Sunoo was immediately captivated by Riki’s delicate features and big, innocent eyes. He made his way over to Riki, his alpha instincts taking over as he felt a strong urge to protect and claim the omega.
Riki was nervously sipping on his drink when he saw Sunoo approaching him. His heart raced as the alpha sat down next to him, his scent of cedar and musk enveloping Riki in a way that made him weak in the knees.
“Hey there, beautiful,” Sunoo purred, his voice deep and enticing. “I’m Sunoo.”
Riki blushed and stuttered out his name, feeling self-conscious under the alpha’s intense gaze.
Sunoo could tell that Riki was an omega in heat, his scent giving him away. He wanted nothing more than to take the omega back to his place and claim him as his mate. But he also knew that he had to be careful and respectful of the omega’s boundaries.
“Would you like to dance with me?” Sunoo asked, extending his hand to Riki.
Riki hesitated for a moment, but the thought of being in Sunoo’s arms was too tempting to resist. He nodded and took Sunoo’s hand, letting the alpha lead him to the dance floor.
As they swayed to the music, Sunoo couldn’t resist the urge to pull Riki closer, his hands roaming over the omega’s body possessively. Riki’s cheeks flushed as he felt the alpha’s hardness pressing against him, and his omega instincts took over. He tilted his head back, exposing his neck to Sunoo’s lips.
Without hesitation, Sunoo leaned down and marked Riki’s neck, claiming him as his own. Riki moaned in response, the feeling of being claimed sending waves of pleasure through his body.
Sunoo couldn’t take it anymore. He had to have Riki, here and now. He whispered hotly in the omega’s ear, “Do you want to come home with me, Riki?”
Riki nodded, his desire for the alpha overwhelming his rational thoughts.
They made their way back to Sunoo’s apartment, their hands never leaving each other’s bodies. As soon as they entered, Sunoo pinned Riki against the wall, his lips crashing down on the omega’s in a passionate kiss.
They stumbled to the bedroom, their clothes quickly discarded as their desire for each other only grew stronger. Sunoo’s alpha pheromones filled the room, driving Riki wild with need.
Sunoo gently laid Riki down on the bed, his eyes roaming over the omega’s smooth, bare skin. He couldn’t believe his luck – the most beautiful omega he had ever met was here in his bed, waiting for him.
He trailed kisses down Riki’s neck and chest, savoring the sweet taste of the omega’s skin. Riki arched his back and moaned, his body on fire with desire.
Sunoo’s hands roamed over Riki’s body, exploring every inch, until he reached the omega’s dripping heat. He teased Riki’s entrance with his fingers, before slowly pushing one inside.
Riki whimpered at the feeling, his body adjusting to the intrusion. Sunoo added another finger, stretching Riki open and preparing him for what was to come.
Riki’s body was aching for Sunoo, and the alpha could tell. He positioned himself at Riki’s entrance and slowly pushed inside, giving the omega time to adjust to his size.
Once they were fully joined, Sunoo began to move, his hips rocking in a steady rhythm. Riki’s moans and gasps of pleasure filled the room, spurring Sunoo on even more.
Their bodies moved in perfect sync, the pleasure building higher and higher until they both reached their climax. As they rode out their release, Sunoo collapsed on top of Riki, both of them panting and trying to catch their breath.
As they lay in each other’s arms, basking in the afterglow, Sunoo couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment and possessiveness towards Riki. He knew that he had found his mate, and he would do anything to protect and care for him.
From that night on, Sunoo and Riki were inseparable. They continued to attend the club, but now they had each other to come home to. And every time they danced together, they couldn’t help but remember the unforgettable night they had shared in that very club.

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