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Lee Heeseung and Nishimura Riki had been married for five years, and their love for each other had only grown stronger with time. They were both successful businessmen, often working long hours and coming home exhausted. But on this particular night, they decided to put work aside and focus on each other.

As they entered their luxurious penthouse apartment, Heeseung wrapped his arms around Riki and whispered, "I missed you today, my love."

Riki smiled and kissed his husband softly on the lips. "I missed you too, Heeseung. Let's forget about work for tonight and just enjoy each other's company."

They made their way to the bedroom, where soft music was playing in the background. Heeseung poured them both a glass of wine and they sat on the bed, talking and laughing as they caught up on each other's day.

After a while, Heeseung leaned in and kissed Riki passionately, his hands roaming over his husband's body. Riki moaned softly, his hands tangling in Heeseung's hair as he deepened the kiss.

Their clothes soon lay forgotten on the floor as they moved together, their bodies fitting perfectly against each other. The room was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing and the soft rustle of sheets as they made love, their passion igniting like a flame.

Afterwards, they lay entwined in each other's arms, their hearts beating as one. Heeseung brushed a strand of hair away from Riki's face and whispered, "I love you more than anything in this world, Riki."

Riki smiled and kissed his husband tenderly. "And I love you, Heeseung. You are my everything."

As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's warmth, they knew that no matter how busy their lives got, they would always make time for each other. For their love was a bond that could never be broken, a flame that would burn brightly for eternity.

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