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In the heart of Tokyo, Nishimura Riki and Park Jay lived in a cozy apartment. Riki, a cheerful and outgoing soul, often found himself longing for the warmth of his husband, Jay, who was reserved and seemingly distant.

One chilly evening, Jay returned home much later than usual. Riki, waiting anxiously, confronted him about his tardiness, hoping to ignite a spark of connection. But Jay, known for his icy demeanor, brushed off Riki's concerns, citing work obligations.

Frustrated and hurt, Riki declared he was going out despite the late hour. Jay, worried for Riki's safety, adamantly refused. The tension between them escalated into a heated argument, words flying like arrows in the air.

Amidst the chaos, Riki suddenly felt dizzy, his vision blurring before he collapsed to the floor. Panic surged through Jay as he rushed to his husband's side, calling for help. With trembling hands, he dialed emergency services, his heart pounding with fear.

At the hospital, Jay sat beside Riki's bed, his stoic facade crumbling under the weight of worry. As Riki regained consciousness, Jay poured out his fears and regrets, realizing the depth of his love for his husband.

Tears welled in Riki's eyes as he listened to Jay's heartfelt confession. In that moment, their barriers shattered, and they embraced, their love transcending any misunderstandings.

With the dawn of a new day, Jay vowed to cherish every moment with Riki, to bridge the gap that had once divided them. Riki, in turn, expressed his longing for Jay's affection, yearning for the intimacy they had once shared.

Hand in hand, they walked out of the hospital, ready to embark on a journey of rediscovery and love. As they returned home, the warmth of reconciliation enveloped their hearts, promising a future filled with happiness and understanding

(Lmao How Many Times Did I Say In
In Mah Stories💀)

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