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Riki's A Female👀

In the bustling halls of Ridgeview College, Nishimura Riki was a solitary figure, lost in the world of books and equations. With her thick-rimmed glasses and penchant for science fiction, she was known as the resident nerd. However, behind her shy demeanor, Niki harbored a secret crush on Yang Jungwon, the charismatic and popular star of the basketball team.

Jungwon, with his easy smile and magnetic personality, seemed like he belonged to a different world than Niki. Yet, fate had a curious way of intertwining their lives.

It all began one fateful afternoon during a physics lecture. Niki was nervously fidgeting with her pen when Jungwon slid into the seat beside her, flashing his trademark grin. Surprised by his sudden presence, Niki stumbled over her words, much to Jungwon's amusement.

As days turned into weeks, Jungwon began seeking out Niki's company between classes. They bonded over shared interests in video games and late-night study sessions. Slowly but surely, Niki found herself falling for Jungwon's genuine kindness and infectious laughter.

Meanwhile, Jungwon was captivated by Niki's intellect and unwavering loyalty. He found himself drawn to her quirky charm and the way her eyes sparkled when she talked about her passions.

One crisp autumn evening, as the leaves painted the campus in hues of gold and crimson, Niki summoned the courage to confess her feelings to Jungwon. With trembling hands, she poured her heart out, confessing her love in a rush of words.

To her surprise and delight, Jungwon's response was one of equal affection. He revealed that he had been harboring feelings for Niki since the moment they met. With a shared embrace under the starlit sky, they sealed their newfound love.

Their relationship blossomed amidst the backdrop of college life, filled with shared adventures, stolen kisses, and whispered promises of forever. They were the epitome of a perfect couple, admired by all who knew them.

However, fate had a cruel twist in store for them. One fateful night, as they drove home from a romantic dinner, their car was struck by a drunk driver. The collision was devastating, leaving both Niki and Jungwon critically injured.

As Niki lay in the hospital bed, surrounded by beeping monitors and sterile white walls, she knew that her time was running out. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she whispered her final words to Jungwon, professing her undying love and begging him to live on without her.

Jungwon's heart shattered into a million pieces as he watched the love of his life slip away before his eyes. He vowed to honor Niki's memory for eternity, carrying her love with him wherever he went.

In the end, Jungwon was left with nothing but memories and a gaping hole in his heart. He wandered through life like a ghost, haunted by the specter of what could have been. And as the years passed, he never truly recovered from the loss of his beloved Niki.

Their love story, though tragically cut short, remained etched in the annals of time, a bittersweet reminder of the fragility of life and the power of love to transcend even the darkest of days.

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