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In a bustling high school, amidst the chaos of cliques and classes, there was Ni-Ki, the adorable nerd with a heart of gold. He spent his days buried in books, his glasses perched on his nose, and his heart secretly longing for Sunghoon, the charming and popular guy who seemed to have it all.

Every day, Ni-Ki poured his feelings into heartfelt love letters addressed to Sunghoon, pouring out his admiration in carefully crafted words. With each letter, his affection for Sunghoon grew stronger, though he kept his feelings hidden, afraid of rejection.

But fate had other plans. One afternoon, as Ni-Ki was leaving yet another letter in Sunghoon's locker, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he found himself face to face with Sunghoon himself, who had caught him in the act.

Instead of ridicule or dismissal, Sunghoon's expression softened as he read the letter. Surprised by Ni-Ki's sincerity and courage, Sunghoon found himself drawn to the shy nerd in ways he couldn't explain.

From that day on, Sunghoon and Ni-Ki's friendship blossomed into something more beautiful. They shared secrets, dreams, and laughter, discovering a deep connection that went beyond their differences in popularity.

As their final year approached, Ni-Ki and Sunghoon stood side by side, ready to face the future together. And on the day of their graduation, amidst cheers and applause, Sunghoon surprised Ni-Ki by leading him to the rooftop of the school.

Underneath the twinkling stars and the soft glow of the moon, Sunghoon took Ni-Ki's hand and confessed his love, promising to cherish him for all eternity. Overwhelmed with happiness, Ni-Ki said yes, tears of joy sparkling in his eyes.

And so, surrounded by the love and support of their friends, Ni-Ki and Sunghoon embarked on a new chapter of their lives together, their love story a testament to the power of courage, kindness, and the magic of true love.

(Thank You For 1k Readers!!😍)

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