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Heeseung and Jake were best friends since they were little. They went to the same school, played in the same basketball team, and hung out together every day. They were like brothers, always looking out for each other.
But something changed when Niki transferred to their school. He was the new pretty boy in town, with his luscious pink hair, flawless skin, and captivating smile. Every girl in school was swooning over him, but Heeseung and Jake couldn't help but feel drawn to him as well.
Niki was different from anyone they've ever met. He wasn't just handsome, but he had a kind heart and a great sense of humor. He was smart, talented, and always had a positive attitude. Heeseung and Jake found themselves spending more and more time with Niki, getting to know him better.
As they got to know him, Heeseung and Jake couldn't deny their growing feelings for Niki. They would catch themselves stealing glances at him during practice, getting lost in his laughter during lunch breaks, and staying up late texting him.
One day, after a game, Niki joined Heeseung and Jake in the locker room as they changed. He couldn't stop complimenting them on their skills and telling them how proud he was of them. Heeseung and Jake couldn't help but feel butterflies in their stomachs as Niki's words made their hearts race.
Feeling bold, Heeseung blurted out, "Niki, can I tell you something?"
Niki smiled and nodded, "Of course, what is it?"
"I...I think I like you, Niki," Heeseung confessed, his face turning red with embarrassment.
Niki's eyes widened in surprise, but a smile quickly formed on his lips. "I like you too, Heeseung," he replied, causing Jake's heart to skip a beat.
Jake couldn't keep his feelings hidden any longer. "I like you too, Niki," he blurted out before he could stop himself.
Niki's smile grew wider as he looked between the two boys. "I like you both too," he admitted, causing Heeseung and Jake's hearts to swell with happiness.
Without any hesitation, Niki leaned in and pressed his lips to Heeseung's. Heeseung was taken aback at first but quickly kissed him back, feeling sparks fly between them. Meanwhile, Jake couldn't take his eyes off the two, feeling a mixture of jealousy and arousal.
Niki then turned to Jake, cupping his face in his hands and kissing him. Jake's heart was racing, and he couldn't believe what was happening. Heeseung and Niki both had their eyes on him, and he couldn't resist any longer.
The three boys then found themselves in a passionate threesome, their lips and hands exploring each other's bodies. It was a spicy and intense moment, filled with moans and gasps of pleasure.
As they caught their breath, Niki looked at Heeseung and Jake with a loving smile. "I never thought I would be lucky enough to have two amazing boys fall for me," he said, causing them both to blush.
From that day on, Heeseung and Jake's friendship turned into a beautiful relationship with Niki, making them the happiest boys in school. They were no longer just best friends, but a trio of love and happiness. They couldn't thank Niki enough for bringing them together and filling their lives with love and passion.

(Also Should I Add Songs Or Smth?)

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