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In the bustling halls of Hanlim Multi Arts School, Nishimura Riki was the epitome of perfection—a diligent student with impeccable grades, admired by teachers and peers alike. On the other hand, Heeseung exuded an aura of rebellion, the quintessential bad boy who walked a path fraught with detentions and whispered rumors. Despite their stark differences, their destinies intertwined in a tale of love and heartache.

Riki's diligent demeanor caught Heeseung's attention, his rebellious spirit intriguing the studious boy. They found themselves drawn to each other, though neither acknowledged the magnetic pull between them.

As graduation approached, Riki and Heeseung found themselves standing on the cusp of adulthood, their futures uncertain yet brimming with promise. It was on the eve of their graduation ceremony that fate intervened, weaving a tapestry of love and betrayal.

In a moment of vulnerability, Riki confessed his feelings to Heeseung, unaware that his affections were reciprocated. Heeseung, too, bared his soul, admitting his love for Riki amidst the chaos of their final days in high school.

With diplomas in hand and dreams in their hearts, Riki and Heeseung embarked on a new chapter together. They secured a modest house, filling it with laughter and whispered promises of forever. Their wedding day was a celebration of their love, witnessed by friends and family who had long suspected the depths of their affection.

But paradise soon crumbled as Riki unearthed the painful truth—Heeseung was cheating on him with Jake, Riki's trusted confidant and best friend. Heartbroken and betrayed, Riki drowned his sorrows in alcohol, the bitter taste of betrayal staining his lips.

In a haze of despair, Riki confronted Heeseung, tears mingling with the shattered remnants of their love. They dissolved their marriage, the bonds of matrimony shattered by the weight of deception.

Months passed, and wounds slowly healed, though scars remained etched upon their souls. It was on a crisp autumn day that fate intervened once more, as Heeseung crossed paths with Riki, who was accompanied by another man.

Curiosity mingled with regret as Heeseung approached them, his heart heavy with the weight of past mistakes. Riki introduced his new partner, Sunoo, with a gentle smile, the warmth of their affection evident in their intertwined fingers.

Words hung heavy in the air, unspoken apologies and whispered regrets dancing on the edge of their lips. Heeseung's gaze lingered on Riki, memories of their shared past flooding his mind with bittersweet longing.

"I'm sorry," Heeseung murmured, the words a solemn echo of what could have been.

Riki's smile was wistful yet forgiving, a silent acknowledgment of the scars they both bore. With a gentle nod, he bid farewell, walking hand in hand with Sunoo into the sunset, leaving behind the echoes of a love that was both beautiful and flawed.

And as the seasons changed, so did they, two souls bound by the threads of fate, forever intertwined yet destined to walk separate paths.

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