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 I will not die today

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 I will not die today.

—Wrenley Aesira's personal addendum to Knox's Guide to the Riders Quadrant

—Wrenley Aesira's personal addendum to Knox's Guide to the Riders Quadrant

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Chapter Nine

| Wrenley's POV |

I'm so completely screwed. I mean what the actual hell?

Xaden steps forward—all six-foot-everything of him—dressed in midnight fighting leathers and a tight-fitted short-sleeve shirt that only seems to make the shimmering, dark rebellion relics on his skin seem like an even bigger warning, which I know is ridiculous but somehow true. But have I ever truly listened to warnings? No. No, I have not.

I'm totally about to get my ass kicked. Or. I'll kick his ass.

"You are all in for a treat," Professor Emetterio says, clapping his hands. "Xaden's one of the best fighters we have. Watch and learn." Oh, joy. Fuck my luck.

"Of course, you are," I mutter. Why the hell wouldn't he be one of the best fighters? I mean, one, he's freaking tall. Two, he's hot and a person could easily get distracted by that. Three, he probably has twice as much muscle as I have. Not fair, at all. I have a sword though. His weapons are daggers. That right there, folks, could be my advantage.

A corner of Xaden's mouth rises in a smirk, and the gold flecks in his eyes seem to dance. His eyes are gorgeous. No. They aren't. Oh, who am I kidding? Yes, they freaking are. And this sadistic ass is enjoying this.

"A little out of her league, don't you think?" Dain argues from the side of the mat, tension radiating from every word. Oh, please Dain, I could kill you with my pinkie, in my sleep. And if anything, he's so below both of our leagues.

"Relax, Aetos." Xaden looks over my shoulder, his gaze hardening toward where I know Dain is standing, where he always stands when Violet or I, are on the mat. The look Xaden gives him makes me realize he's been taking it easy on me in the glaring department. I mean not that I hate the glare. Honestly, I find it slightly amusing. Is it bad that every time he glares I just see a big, grumpy teddy bear? "She'll be in one piece when I'm finished teaching her." Teaching me you say?

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