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Knowing I am in direct disagreement with General Melgren's orders, I am officially objecting to the plan set forth in today's briefing

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Knowing I am in direct disagreement with General Melgren's orders, I am officially objecting to the plan set forth in today's briefing. It is not this general's opinion that the children of the rebellion's leaders should be forced to witness their parents' executions. no child should watch their parent put to death.

— The Tyrrish Rebellion, An Official Brief For King Tauri By General Lilith Sorrengail

— The Tyrrish Rebellion, An Official Brief For King Tauri By General Lilith Sorrengail

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Chapter Five

| Wrenley's POV |

"Welcome to your first Battle Brief," Professor Devera says from the recessed floor of the enormous lecture hall, later in the morning. There's a bright purple Flame Section patch on her shoulder that matches her short hair. That right there. That speaks literal volumes about her personality. Just saying. I mean. She has purple hair. Who wouldn't love it?

This is the only class held in the circular. It's a tiered room that curves on both ends. It's one of the only two rooms in the citadel that can fit every cadet. All of the creaky seats are full, which by the way, every time someone shifts their weight, there's another creak, which just increases the pounding headache I have. Like seriously. Just. Sit. Still. Not that fucking hard. I'm also a hypocrite though, because I've been non-stop fidgeting all morning. The senior third-years are standing against the back walls behind us.

It's a drastic change from the history class we just sat through. For that class we only had three squads and they were all first-years. All of the first-years in our squad were sat together. One minor problem. I'm not good with names. The only names I know are Violet, Liam, Rhiannon, and Ridoc. Oh! And of course, I mean honestly how could I forget? Our ever so annoying squad leader, Dain the Asshole. Am I being petty? Sure. Do I give two shits? Abso-fucking-lutely not.

Ridoc made wise-ass comments all throughout history, which by the way, was the cause of my headache in the first place. I'm just hoping he has enough brain cells to realize not to make them in this class. Devera doesn't seem like the joking kind. I mean some of them were funny, others were just annoying.

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