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Wrenley, you shall not freak out if you cannot channel your dragon's powers immediately

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Wrenley, you shall not freak out if you cannot channel your dragon's powers immediately. As much as father has engrained it in your mind, you do not have to be perfect at absolutely everything. There are things that may come hard to even you. Look at it like your art. Pour all of your passion into it and practice until you succeed in getting it right. Your dragon will channel when they feel you are ready and no sooner. Once they take that step you better be ready to take the leap of getting your signet because it will manifest rather quickly. Until your dragon decides; you are not ready, do not push it. Your time it come and you will amaze everyone; I'm sure of it.

- Page Seventy-Three, Knox's Guide to The Rider's Quadrant

- Page Seventy-Three, Knox's Guide to The Rider's Quadrant

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Chapter Twenty-Four

| Wrenley's POV |

"You know I don't actually need a guard dog, right?" I ask Liam as we head towards the door of the Archives. Luckily, the annoying script cart doesn't squeak anymore. It turns out if you complain about something enough to Sawyer and Liam they will fix things for you.

"So you've told me for a week, Wren." He glances sideways, grinning.

I sigh dramatically. "And yet, you keep sticking around. I told Xaden that I am perfectly capable on my own. I love your company, don't get me wrong; but you have your own life to live, Liam." I do have to say that I would miss his constant whittling though. I've started a small collection of figurines that he's gifted me with.

"I am happy to live your life with you for a while though. At least until everyone isn't out to get you anymore." He reassures, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I shake my head, laughing softly as Pierson jolts upright at the Archives doors, straightening his tunic. "Good Morning, Cadet Pierson." I greet.

"You as well, Cadet Aesira." He offers a small smile, which drops as soon as his gaze meets Liam's. "Cadet Mairi."

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