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Sometimes when life gets hard you need a light

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Sometimes when life gets hard you need a light. However, there are other times when you simply cannot get up. When those times come, grab the hand that is outstretched to help you, and allow it to pull you up. Get off your ass and allow it to guide you.

—Evie's Personal Journal Entry; Entry Number Twenty-Two

(Xaden if you're reading this, get the hell out. I mean it!!!)

Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

| Xaden's POV |

I'm falling. It's going to get me killed, but I'm falling. When I say killed, I mean literally killed. Knox is going to murder me. All he told me to do was watch over his little sister and here I am, borderline obsessing over the white-haired, sassy, artistic goddess.

That goddess was struggling, though, and I can't get through to her. I've tried so many fucking times, but she won't open up. I knew something was up that night when I saw her father drag her away, but I didn't want to intervene. And then Sgaeyl. Then Sgaeyl was alert and screaming at me to get to her. It was terrifying. But the worst thing? That was seeing the normally strong-willed, determined woman on the ground shaking.

I sink back into the brick wall in the shadows observing the courtyard when I see it. A blur of light red, moving faster than it should be. I sigh and push off the wall and walk after her. I never get the chance to catch up to her, but I do follow her as she winds through the courtyard and then up to her room. She shuts the door before I can follow her in.

Grumbling, I turn the doorknob and enter the room, seeing her hunched over her desk. "Evie," I say exasperatedly to get her attention. Once she gets so busy and so far into her head it's very fucking hard to grab her attention. Hence why she did not notice that I had been following her.

She practically leaps out of her seat. "Shit! Xade, you're such an ass. How many times do we have to go over this?" With anyone else, I wouldn't have let that slide. But this is Evie.

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