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There is nothing more sacred than the Archives

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There is nothing more sacred than the Archives. Even temples can be rebuilt, but books cannot be rewritten.

—Colonel Daxton's Guide to Excelling in the Scribe Quadrant

—Colonel Daxton's Guide to Excelling in the Scribe Quadrant

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Chapter Twenty

| Wrenley's POV |

The wooden library cart squeaks as I push it over the bridge that connects the Riders Quadrant to the Healer, and then past the clinic doors into the heart of Basgiath. And let me just say. I'm cursed. I mean who the hell had the brilliant idea to put me on library duty? I was doing just fine helping the healers before Threshing.

Mage lights illuminate my way down the tunnels as I take a path so familiar that I could walk it with my eyes shut. Violet dragged me here all the fucking time. But hey! At least I gained a shit ton of knowledge. The scent of earth and stone fills my lungs the deeper I descend, and it makes me want to gag. I just want to get into the actual Archives so I'm met with the lovely smell of books.

I nod to Finn, the first-year scribe at the entrance to the Archives and he jumps out of his seat, hurrying to open the vault-like door. I met him when I first started this duty and we've become fast friends.

"Heyo! Good morning, Cadet Aesira," he says, holding the entrance open so I can pass. "I missed you."

"Finn," I grumble. "You just saw me yesterday." I gently shove the cart into him, rubbing my eyes. "And how many times have I told you to call me Wren?"

"Aww, has the princess not had her coffee yet?"

"No, she has not. Because I was put on godsdamned Archive duty and have to come here first thing." I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Is that a grumpy Wren I hear?" A raspy voice asks, coming towards us from behind a row of shelves. "Clarabelle," I perk up, walking into her open arms. I met Clarabelle the same day I did Finn, and we've become very close. Also, Evie approves so that was a major bonus.

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