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In response to the Great War, dragons claimed the western lands and gryphons the central ones, abandoning the Barrens and the memory of General Daramor, who nearly destroyed the Continent with his army

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In response to the Great War, dragons claimed the western lands and gryphons the central ones, abandoning the Barrens and the memory of General Daramor, who nearly destroyed the Continent with his army. Our allies sailed home and we began a period of peace and prosperity as the provinces of Navarre united for the first time behind the safety of our wards, under the protection of the first bonded riders.

—Navarre, an Unedited History by Colonel Lewis Markham 

—Navarre, an Unedited History by Colonel Lewis Markham 

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Chapter Twenty-Three

| Wrenley's POV |

"Oren Seifert." Captain Fitzgibbons finishes reading the death roll and closes the scroll as we stand in formation the next morning. It's fucking cold. To the point where there's tiny little freaking clouds everywhere because of our breaths. This is ridiculous. I want my blanket. "We commend their souls to Malek."

Yeah, but you see, I have no sympathy for the barbaric assholes that tried to kill me in my sleep, so honestly, I wouldn't even be here if I didn't have to be. Freaking rules.

The two other people that were oh, so lucky to be on today's list are third-years from Second Wing. They were killed on a training operation near the Braevick border, according to the hot breakfast gossip, and now I'm wondering if that is where Xaden was before he decided to be my knight in shining armor last night, or should I say early this morning. Yeah, that may be another reason I want my blanket. Nope. That's the exact reason I want my blanket. My pillow would be nice too.

"I can't believe they tried to kill you while you were sleeping." Rhiannon's still seething at breakfast after I told our table what happened. Well, after Liam told them. I was asleep on Sawyer's shoulder. I haven't seen Xaden since he left last night, and I'm holding a tiny grudge, but also not. I don't even know anymore, I'm delirious from lack of sleep. I need sleep or I'm going to punch someone.

"Yeah, but, they were idiots, and now they are dead idiots, and I remain alive ." I give a nonchalant shrug and then close my eyes. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for a moment, because a minute later, Sawyer is shaking me. "Fuck off," I grumble. "Oh, sorry Sawyer."

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