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I met a girl

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I met a girl. Her name is Everlyn. And I think I am in love.

- Journal Entry 306
(Entry in Knox Aesira's Personal Journal)

- Journal Entry 306(Entry in Knox Aesira's Personal Journal)

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Chapter Twenty-Four

| Knox's POV |

I've known Evie Henrick for only a total of thirty minutes and I have already fallen. While I fell figuratively, she fell literally. She's been hopping from stone to stone in the riverbed since she got here. She's slipped a few times now, but I never have the heart to stop her, because each time her eyes glimmer a little more, gaining back shine from the dullness she arrived with.

I hear a splash, pulling me from my thoughts, and my gaze snaps to Evie to see her sitting down in the river. "I give up," I laugh, sitting down in the water with her instead of trying to stop her.

She tilts her head back, laughing, her hair falling behind her. "Now you're soaked!"

"So are you!" I throw back.

"No, I am simply being one with the water," She sighs, laying down, resting her head on the bank.

I looked over to her, certain that she was joking, but she looked perfectly content. I sigh, joining her. Before I can stop it, my finger brushes hers, however she doesn't seem bothered in the slightest, as she intertwines our fingers, squeezing my hand.

She hums, sitting up, pulling me up with her, and starts picking small wild violets and daisies before carefully threading them through my hair, one by one.

"What are you doing," I whisper, my voice so quiet I'm unsure she heard until she speaks up.

"Bringing my peace back. And it appears, Knox Aesira, that you are my peace."

I watch as she brushes her hand across the grass, small flowers and clovers trailing her hand as it moves, her hand glowing dimly.

"I can't say I'm surprised, Everlyn Henrick. The girl full of life, has the power of life."

She grins, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "And what does the poet have the power of?" She tilts her head, threading her fingers into mine.

"Energy Manipulation," I try to ignore the crack in my voice, lowering my gaze to the running water that we're still sitting in, hiding the blush that has risen gradually from my neck to my face.

She ever so gently places her fingers under my chin, lifting my head up. "No need to hide from me, Poet Boy." She smiles, her nose crinkling as she does; her eyes glimmering with the sun.

I suck in a larger breath and end up choking before excusing myself clumsily to go grab us lunch. While the cooks are preparing our food I take a moment to gather my composure before thanking the cooks and taking the food back to Evie, only to find her laying down on top of her dragon, neither of them seeming like they have a care in the world.

I stay in my place for a moment, admiring the sight of her russet hair catching wind from the height and open air. Kaida.

You summoned? His voice appeared in my head.

Care to come meet Beladair? I ask. It's not two minutes before I hear harsh flaps of wings and he's landing on the ground.

Beladair perks up, nudging Eve in the process. "Hm?" Eve hums, startled.

She turns her head to the side, getting a full view of Kaida and gasps. "Knox, he's gorgeous." She slides down Beladair's leg and comes to stand beside me.

"Let's give them some time, yeah Poet Boy?" Eve asks, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I- what?" I ask.

It's then that I hear it. Kaida's quiet whisper in my head. Mate.

I nod silently to Eve before we head inside. Everlyn pauses outside of the palace as it starts raining and laughs looking up at the sky. "I guess we're not drying our clothes anytime soon."

"We could always go change," I say sensibly.

Eve looks down from the sky, giving me a playful glare. "Listen Poet Boy. I love books as much as anyone else, but why not enjoy the rain?" Everlyn asks, spinning around. She looks at me mischievously before running over and grabbing my hands.

"Let's dance." She whispers.

I look at her confused. "What?"

"Knox." She smiles, brighter than any smile I've ever seen. "Let's dance."

I sigh, relenting, and take her hand, twirling her around.

"Promise me you'll write to me when you go back to college?" I ask, leaning my forehead against hers.

"Of course," She whispers, pressing a kiss to my nose, and I swear I melt on the spot.


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Love him

Any guesses what their trope is?

Any guesses what their trope is?

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