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It is my opinion that of all the signet powers riders provide, mending is the most precious, but we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent when in the company of such a signet

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It is my opinion that of all the signet powers riders provide, mending is the most precious, but we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent when in the company of such a signet. For menders are rare, and the wounded are not.

—Major Frederick's Modern Guide for Healers

—Major Frederick's Modern Guide for Healers

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Chapter Six

| Wrenley's POV |

So, update. Violet is now in the Medical Wing. I'm sure Nolon is going to heal her right up though. I was perfectly capable of carrying her to the infirmary myself, but you wanna know who decided to swing in and be Vi's knight in shining armor? Dain the Dingbat. Seriously, what the hell? She's my sister.

I was kicked out of the medical wing so Violet had the time to "rest and heal properly"? They act like I never shut up. What the hell is that about? I mean I don't but that is so fucking far from the point.

So, I've decided to take some self-reflection time. To analyze my mental stability. Just kidding. Why would I do that?

In all reality, I'm just taking a pleasant, quiet stroll along the riverbank. I'm trying to find a freaking tree, because why the hell not. Oh, look, there's one.

I speed up my pace until I'm at the trunk of the tree. Do we wanna sit down or climb? Sit down or climb? Sit, climb? I nod, climb it is.

I throw my bag over my shoulder and climb up the tree until I'm about halfway up. I decided to sit in a thicker branch so I don't feel like I'm going to fall every freaking five seconds.

Once I'm seated, I open my bag and pull out my sketchpad. Without even thinking, I flip open to the page I've been working on. The bold, strong, feisty, independent, navy blue dragon. My eyes scan over the fine lines, that I've carefully drawn over the past few days, that form the shape of the dragon.

I got the head shape right, but one major thing I just can't seem to grasp is the eyes. They were squinted a certain way, that I just can't quite capture. They held so much of her personality, and it can't simply be transferred onto the paper that easily. I'll have to see her at least one more time before I'll be able to get the eyes just right.

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