Chapter 40: Revelations

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As I stared at the door she just exited from, Souji Greg and Riogh came over to me. My shaking had subsided, but my mind was still incapable of much thought.

"Lilia, what's going on?" Souji asked first.

"Does she have some kind of blackmail against you?" Riogh followed.

"Do you really think she won't hurt you? Did she actually ask for a peaceful meeting?" Greg continued.

My already overwhelmed mind could not keep up with the question and I suddenly felt dizzy. Souji caught me before I fell on my side onto the couch.

"Give her some space. It's obvious she can't answer all those questions at once," a feminine voice suddenly added.

I held my head in pain and looked over. The tall woman that had stayed with the three guys had come closer. Looking at her now, I could clearly sense some familiarity in her, though I could not say what.

"First of all, I'm Miyako. I'm the one providing information to the Nightbreakers. I think they mentioned me before."

"Yeah, I think they did."

"Is there any way we can help you calm down? I think that takes priority."

"I don't know. I just can't think right now."

"Then would it be alright if we tried to answer your questions? Maybe that will give you peace of mind."


"Let's try that, then."

And so, we started talking together, all five of us. I mostly tried to calm down and find whatever information I could from them despite my already weakened mind.

I found out that this demon, Inari, had captured them a while back as they were investigating her. She had made a deal that they would help her find and talk to me, and in exchange she would stop investigating them to not put them in unnecessary danger. That was why I couldn't meet with them for a while.

What surprised me most, however, was how humane their treatment was while imprisoned. They did not lack any necessities, including food. They even were regularly checked up on and made sure to not be injured or in extreme discomfort.

We kept talking and I kept feeling a little more at ease as the conversation kept going. Eventually, the demon came back with a tray and six glasses full of a green liquid.

"Is now alright or do you need more time?" she asked as she placed the glasses onto the table.

I was still weary of her, but hearing their story made me believe that if she said she wouldn't hurt me, she actually wouldn't. I looked at Souji and nodded. He nodded back, so I took a deep breath and replied.

"It'll be alright."

"Then, have you decided whether or not they should be allowed to stay?"

"I...don't know what you want to talk about, but if you know about them, it's best they do too. They're the only people I can rely on to help and protect me."

"I figured so. That is why I brought a glass of tea for each of them."

"Is that tea or poison," Greg angrily asked.

"It is merely tea. The leaves used to brew it were grown in one of the nearby towns, and I have grown quite fond of it."

She followed it up by taking a sip of her own glass. Her expression changed for the first time since I met her, showing a small glimpse of bliss at the beverage. Deciding to trust her once again, I sipped at my own glass.

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