7 - "hello again"

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Maryanne had got to the meeting dead on time, however everyone was already seated around a long conference table but chatting away so thankfully it didn't feel like an awkward entrance on Maryanne's part.

The only seat available was next to Damon, so she quietly sat down and he gently nudged her with his elbow smiling "hello again" and returned the pleasantry by sassily putting her hand out to shake it which he met without hesitation.

"I didn't think - ", Damon was cut short when Andy started off the meeting with a clap & clasping of his hands....

"So we all know why we're here today, and I'm taking it as a good sign that Maryanne has joined us for this talk...."

Damon's attention meanwhile had drifted off and his thoughts landed on Maryanne...not uncommon since he first saw her, he knew this would be a line he'd had to tread carefully especially as he was still in a relationship with Justine Frischmann of Elastica. But he knew he'd be able to toe the line and keep safe too...hopefully.

"That's brilliant Maryanne, please sign here for your agreement on the tour contract. Welcome on board!" At the table erupting in claps and cheers, Damon snapped out of his reverie and joined in with the celebratory response.
"So happy you're coming with us, it'll be an epic time indeed! We'll have such a laugh." He then gave her the most genuine smile she'd seen from him yet. Each of the guys came and gave her a hug welcoming her to the family. Andy popped a bottle of fine champagne and passed a flute around to each member and Maryanne..

"Here's to a successful tour!" And they clinked their glasses together

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