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"Get everything ready and no mistakes will be tolerated

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"Get everything ready and no mistakes will be tolerated." I said sternly leaving no space for any mishap . I have been burning in the fire of revenge for 11 years . I have been preparing this plan for 7 years when I opened an IT company which now one of the biggest companies in INDIA.

*Flash back*

I have loved my parents a lot and definitely all parents love their children as well. Our family was a happy family . My father (Aadarsh Agarwal) ,my mother (Aarti Agarwal ) and my only sibling ,my brother (Eshaan Agarwal) was living a beautiful and joyful life . My father company which is now handled by me was at its peak at that time as well as of now .

My father included a business partner in his business , but that fucking bastard (Aadit Rao) was playing games with him and trying to buy the most shares of the company in many many low prices by bribing company employees and threating others.

But my father was also a capable business man and his drama was not successful and he got caught by my father and then my father cancelled all the deals with him , which cause his company a great loss. he cant bear that and he decided to avenge his loss. He somehow planned my father murder and potray it as a car accident in front of media ,but I knew that is not an accident .

I have over heared my father's conversation with his manger " Tight the security around my house and my family. That Aadit Rao is threating me for last 5 days and I know he will try to kill me. Be aware of it." He said with an expression of worry on his face , which is not common at all , he was used to be a happy face person as my mama like him that way .

On the very day, my mother got call from the hospital as my grandmother was admitted in hospital.

"Mrs. Aarti Agarwal here?"


"I am talking from the hospital . your mother's condition is very severe, please visit as soon as possible . before we loose her"

The call disconnected.

"Aadiii ........ Aadi........ ,listen" maa crying calling papa. " what happened baby ? why are you crying??"papa asked being worried seeing her like this. "Adi......aadi....... Someone called from the.........the hos....hospital , saying maa in critical conditi.......on . please take me to her .... *sobs* I want to go.....go to her right away"she said on the verge of being panicked.

"okay baby , calm yourself down . we are going to her ,nothing will happen to her . okay ?" papa assured mama by kissing her hair .

"driver take the car out we are going to the hospital right away." Maa went to grab her things and I was standing there , beind tensed. Papa called me " Beta , we are going to see nani , okay. Take care of Eshaan , if we cries play with him for a while , we will be back by dinner okay ?"


"My good boy" Papa said ruffling my hairs .







Its late at night but maa and papa aren't back home yet . Eshaan was crying for mama but lina aunty(our nanny) put him to sleep somehow. I was waiting for them ,I put on the tv to watch a movie till then, but the when is tv turned on the news popped up that flipped my world upside down.


Listening to the news, my hands started trembling and I called Maneesh uncle (papa's manegar) . and he came home before he picks the call and I ran towards him hugging him . He is my father's bestfriend as well and my father's most trusted person .

He told me everything that Aadit Rao planned his murder and potray it as an accident and he filed a case against it . he also gave me the will my father gave to him that until I am 20 , if anything happens to him maneesh uncle will handle the company and teach me the business and when I am 20 , the company will be handed over to me .

"Aadvait beta listen, I know that you are in shock and sorrow right now . But the company your father created with so much efforts is in danger now . All the shareholders will withdraw there investment and the company will be shotdown in no time." He sighed, tension and hurt clear on his face.

He continue " you have to go to the company tomorrow and tell them that the heir is alive and capable and wont disappoint them once you take your seat . we have to fight for your father's justice as well we cant break down right now."he finished his speech with tears in his eyes not able to bear his pain anymore. My father and him was like damn good friends (die for each other type) .

After that incident , Maneesh uncle and his wife preeta aunty shifted to our house, when I convinced him that , I cant leave this house it has my parents memories but Eshaan cries haunt me and I cant handle him alone.

So he understood me and and preeta aunty is so nice , Eshaan is settled with her well and now he don't cry anymore . he is back to himself , playing with friends and laughing which he left doing before preeta aunty. He calls her preeta maa, and she likes it .

She ask me too , to call her that and started calling her by that name too. The days went in learning business, going to school all that , but at night I used to lock myself in my room and cried my heart out.

One day was running down the street and found a boy was fighting with 3 boys alone , he was powerful but they are not less as well . I acted on my impluse and ran toward him to help him. After we both beat the three of them and they ran .

"why did you helped me?"

"just came to my mind, to help you, so I did"

"Thankyou , by the way 'I AM AVYAAN'" he said forwading his hand towards me.

"welcome, ' MY SELF AADVAIT'"

"lets be friends , you are a good fighter . we can make a team . I go to the ring we go for fighting there and its good . whats say ?"

"um......mmm , I am 17 will it be okay ?"

"yes , dude. 16 is the entering age ."

The fire is burning in my heart for revenge, and fighting today somehow , soothes me .

I agreed and we became friends from that day .

At the very day I found that Avyaan don't have a house to live as he is an orphan , which make me feel him and me alike *heart sting*.

I took him to my home and asked maneesh uncle to make preprations for him like arrange his clothes and necessity for his living . he first did his background check and let him stay after that . and from then, we are living together, and he is now very important part of my life , but I will never accept it in front of him.

*Flash back ends*

" yaar, get up . we have so much to do and you are smoking here , calmly ." he shouted which bring me out of my trance.

"I know , don't tell me . I am aware of what I have to do? you just tell me , Is the plan and preprations are ready ?"

"all ready , just need you to execute."

"just wait and watch Aadit Rao , I am going to vanish floor underneath your feet. And make you feel the pain of your beloved, how I felt for my parents". I said firmly


What is he planning to do ? what is meant by letting him feel the pain of hid daughter ?>>>>

REVENGE'S SWEET  EMBRACE | 18+Where stories live. Discover now