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                                                                          ESHIKA'S POV

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                                                                          ESHIKA'S POV

He started the car and we went outside the Rao mansion. I was feeling so happy today, I met my family after a whole month but I can't deny the fact that I missed him.

The car ride was silent until I decided to break the silence "Adi..., Thank you so much."

His eyebrow frowned and I answered his is unasked question. "For letting me meet my family".

He smiled and looked at me with an emotion which I am noticing on him frequently but I can't put my finger on, what that is? But it feels nice, when he look at me with those emotions.

"When you feel you want something, just tell me. I will place it in your feet, I promise you rose." I giggled and he intertwined our hands and I unknowingly kissed his hand intertwined with me.

And he stopped the car right away. I looked at him and the other second I was in his lap.

The car was not in the center as he stopped the car on side. I looked in his eyes, he buried his face in the crook of my neck and I felt him inhaling my fragrance and I hugged him I response. "You are testing my patience, I can't control myself that way."

His voice was heavy as he was holding himself back.

He looked at me and my cheeks are covered with hue, looking in my eyes and captured my lips with his the next moment.

He was sucking my lips like a hungry animal, they will definitely be swollen. After sucking the life out of my lips, he demanded an entrance which I gave willingly.

I was feeling a wetness erupting in between my thighs but I ignored it for now, because I was sitting in his lap and my any moment can result me in trouble.

He was exploring every corner of my mouth and his hands was roaming all over my body and one of my hands was hugging his neck and other is roaming in his hair and I felt him enjoying my hand in his hair.

After I don't know for how long we kissed and we left each other when I went breathless.

He closed his eyes and we both were panting trying to catch on our breaths.

"You make me lose my control over my senses, my body on even my soul. You will be my dea---"before he could complete his sentence, I stopped him "Please, Adi... don't say it. I can't bear it." He sighed and hugged me again and tightly.

"Let's go home. Before I lose my control even more and lose the sense of thinking." He put me back like I was a glass doll and I hold his arm resting my head on his shoulder and he kissed my forehead.

We started our ride again and I had fun whole day and I was tired already and I didn't realize when I dozed off on his arm.


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