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"you got your share of happiness, now. Its my turn, make me satisfied." he smirked and pick me up in arms. I locked my arm around his neck and not meeting his eyes and blushing.

"let's go to our room. Take me to heaven, Rose."

He said walking up stairs, " you are not going to get sleep tonight, pay for these anklets you are wearing they are testing my patience." And I blushed.

His voice and words are enough for me to reach my orgasm, why am I attracted to this man that much, I don't get it. He controls me with a finger and I am happy being controlled.

"Open the door for me, Rose." He said and I came out of my trance and opend the door as he is holding me. And after entering the room he closed it with the heel of his shoes and turnred towards the door and I lokked at him with confusion.

"Lock it meri jaan. I don't want anyone to look at you when you are at my mercy." And I locked the door carefully.

He walked to the bed and throw me on the bed and my anklets again voiced. "Why are you wearing these?"

"Preeta maa told me you like them, so I wore them for you." He closed his eyes and started opening his shirt button and in moment the shirt was lying on the floor. He started moving towards me and my breath was heavy now.

"Are you nervous?"

"I.....I don't know."

"we can stop, if you don't want."

"No, please." I said instantly and then I realized what I said. Acting on my impulse always embarrass me but now I said. He smirked and I looked other way.

"you are this desperate?" I didn't answer.

He leaned in and kissed my neck and I tilted my neck to give him better access. And he started sucking biting and nibbling on my neck causing me to moan.

I was so indulged in his touch that my surrounding started getting blur as he was sucking my neck and his hands was remembering all my body curves, roaming all over my body.

"Aaahhhh......" I moaned when he increased his pace all of a sudden.

"Ahhhhddiiii...."I continued not being able to control. Clutching the bedsheets.

He got up and looked at me, I am looking like a mess. Breathing heavy, hands on the bed and hairs scattered on the pillow, looking at him with desire.

Taking a look at me he attacked my lips pouring his intensed desire in the kiss, making it so dirty. I reciprocated his kiss as I was buring in the same desire as him. He touched his tongue to lips seeking entrance which I gave him immediately.

 Our tongues dancing with each other, our lips wetting with our mixed saliva and it's the dirtiest kiss. After kissing for some time, I felt breathless and I tapped on hid shoulder for the air, but he didn't noticed and after a few seconds I slightly hit his chest with my fist as I was short of breath and he pulled back and I was breathing like I ran a marathon.

"Fuckkkkk....." he groaned. "You make me go insane."

My eyes were close, as I was trying to focus on my breathing, he he;ld me and make me sit. I looked at him with half opened eyes. "I didn't do anything yet and this is your situation." He chuckled "I love this effect of mine on you." And I smiled.

He started placing wet kisses on my jaw and trailing them from my neck to my collar bone and stopped when he sensed my dress in his way.

 He let out an annoyed sigh and held the frock from the neck and the next moment, dress was torn and lying on the floor and I looked at him with shocked expression.

"It was a hurdle in my way and I hate it." And he started kissing my collar bone and I started to open my bra as the jerk was high and I don't want to experience it again. Noticing me he smirked and said "good girl" listening to his praise I sensed my already wet pussy for him dripping now. And I clenched my thighs.

He was kissing all over my body and sucking and nibbling wherever he likes and reaching my breast, he took the left one in his mouth and I hissed at the contact of his tongue with my nipple. And my back arched a little.

He was sucking on the left nipple like a hungry child and playing with the other one paying attention to both of them equally and my hand moved to his head caressing his hair.

He stopped for a moment and I withdraw my hand thinking he didn't like it but he grabbed my hand and again put it in his hair and I smiled and he smiled back sucking on the right on this time and pinching the left one in this thumb and forefinger moving it and playing and I clenched my thighs and he sucked my nipple hard and left it with the pop sound.

"why are you clenching them?" he said and rubbing his hand on my thigh and I was still wearing pants and underwear which he removed in a mere second both of them together. And I gasped as the cool breeze hit my wet pussy.

"You are so wet." He said cupping my pussy, in his hand, and I closed my eyes.

He parted my folds and give a rub on my clit with his thumb and I clunched the sheets for nth time.

"Are you feeling good?" I nodded and a sudden slap landed on my clit.

"Words Rose, words. Be careful next time." ....... "say"

"Yes, I feel ...... good... so good." My sentence came out as a moan.

"Let me taste how good you feel." Saying he went down kissing from my neck to my mudriff and reach my pussy. Parted my folds and gave a lick from my vagina to my clit.

"Ummmm......mmmm Adiiiiii"

I moaned and he started sucking my clit and my hand automatically went to his hair and I cluched his hair in my fist as he sucked my clit and I was at high level of ecstasy and felt like star inside the room.

I was a moaning mess under him and he continued his torture, on my clit.he was suckin gmy clit and after a few seconds pass he placed a kiss on my clit and slammed his tongue inside me, fucking me with his tongue and making me go insane.

"Ahhhh.....hhhhh Adiiiiii......, its to much."I screamed.


"please what?,Rose?"

My brain was so fucked up that, I don't even know what I was begging for.

Thrusting his tongue in and out for a few times.

"I am clo........close."

"Go for it, make me taste what I make you feel." He said and I felt my orgasm.

He sucked all my juices from me and came to kiss me and I can taste myself on him.

He remove his boxers and I looked at him and urge to suck him off built inside me.

I made an eye contact with him and he raised his eyebrow in question.

"what are you thinking?"

"I........ I wa...want to su.....suck you." I said and his eyes darkened. As he smirked. 



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Happy week.
ILY 🤟🏼 guys enjoy 💞.

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