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                                                                      ESHIKA'S POV

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                                                                      ESHIKA'S POV

Aadvait parked the car and I ran inside the mansion. And saw mama sitting on the sofa talking to Kamla aunty(house help).

"Mama" I called and she got shocked looking at me and I ran towards her hugging her and tears welled in my eyes as she started crying.

"Beta, how come you are here? Leave it. How are you? How have you been?"

"Mama mama calm down. I came with Aadvait. And I am good. And tell me where is Ekaant bhai, Hamaant and papa?"

"I call them. They are in Ekaant's study room. Kamla goes to call them, tells them Eshika came to meet them." She nodded and went to call them.

"come sit." She patted my head and signaled toward the sofa.

I looked at her and then in Aadvait's direction how was standing a little away observing me. Mama looked in my direction and her eyes widened a little.

"ummmm...m Aa...Aadavit. You also come, sit." He came forward and adjoined his hand in front of mama and sat on the sofa, his cold Aura settled which I don't feel when we are alone, but only when we are surrounded by people.
We sat on the sofa, I sat beside him.

"what would you like?" mama asked Aadvait.

"I am fine. Thank you." He said in his normal cold tone.

"Eshika likes lemon tea. Will it work for you?" he looked at me.

"Mama, A black coffee for him and a lemon tea for me." I said to her and she asked the people standing beside her to bring us our drinks.

I remember that we were in a hurry so he didn't drink his coffee and it's one of his addictions, he must be needing it.

Saying I looked forward to Ekaant bhai and Hamaant was entering the lounge. I stood up from my seat and ran towards him and hugged Ekaant bhai and he hugged me back.

"Eshiiii, how have you been? Yaar I missed you so damn much."
"I am good bhai." And I moved towards hamaant. "hi, duck!!!. Have you missed me?" saying I hugged him and to my surprise without arguing he hugged me back. And I smilled.

"You traitorrrrrr!!!!!" I recognized the voice and it was of karti, I turned around to look at her and she ran toward me hugging me and I stepped back a bit due to it.

And Ekaant bhai chuckled looking at us and put a hand on my back for the safety. I am feeling this feeling after more than a month. And I am happy.
We were chit chatting when papa entered and I took a step towards him to hug him.

"Step back, Rose." And I stop there listening to his voice.

"I said step back." He repeated and I stepped back like an obedient child. And everyone looks towards him. He was quiet from then observing everyone but he reacted only to dad's presence.

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