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So, guyssss!!!! As I promised I am posting another chapter as a gift for you guys😃😃.
I am back with a new chapter and I hope you guys will like it.
I know the chapters are a bit short but I am writing for the first time so I am nervous writing it. I will try to increase length by time. 😊.
Till then just enjoy....
Happy reading.
And guys don't forget to vote and comment it is an encouragement nothing more or less than that.
It feels 😊.

I don’t know what is happening to me, whenever I am around her she makes me feel weird. No matter how many times I tell myself that she is the daughter of my enemy, I can’t bring myself to hate her with my heart, my brain says she is not someone I have sympathy or whatever I feel with but my heart always says otherwise.
Yesterday when I came back home and saw her sleeping on my bed I feel a tingling feeling, I don’t understands what to do. In the morning I just want a few pictures to show Aadit and that’s why I made her work this much because I can’t bring myself to hurt her, no matter how hard I think. When she slept on couch I clicked pictures of her and send them to him and to my expectations he just went mad. He loves her so much that he didn’t even let a single scratch on her from years.
“If my anything happens to my daughter, Aggarwal. You meet your parents in hell I am telling you bastard. Don’t make her cry.” He said this, which ignites the fire in me on the mention of my parents. I am still suffering from nightmares, I can’t sleep peacefully and he sleeps with peace. He murdered my parents and still proves himself innocent, no problem fuck this law it never helps anyone I will punish him by myself and more brutally.
After his statement, next video he will receive of her crying. I have noticed that she is really observant yet sensitive. She starts crying easily, so a little heart break will do, a little emotional damage.
“Rose, why are you sleeping on dining table? Don’t you like our bedroom anymore?” I whisper to her ear. I told her that I will be back on time. I came home intentionally, I was expecting her to wait but sleeping on a dining table waiting for me, makes me happy maybe…… or just leave it.
“Oh I am sorry, I didn’t realize when I dozed off. I will heat up the food for you, you can sit.”
“Though it all, now.” The shock was evident on her face, and I felt that she wants to say something.
“If you……. Are not hungry. Can we just give to poor people?” she said in a merely audible tone. Fear evident in her voice.
“I told you to throw it away and come back to room. Do as I say, it’s my home not yours get it.” I said in furious tone. And she got scared.
I felt bad and she started picking the dishes from the table. I sat there pretending to use to my mobile and she I can sense her sobbing, my eyes closed in guilt may…be. When I started being unsure about things, I don’t understand.
I was now in my room, watching her in the kitchen throwing the food and crying profusely. Her eyes were red and voice becoming dull due to crying and she tried to lower her voice. And she sat down on the floor of kitchen with her arms wrapped around her knees attached to her chest, head resting on knees.
“Sir, she spent whole day making that food, and waiting to eat with you she didn’t eat anything.” Aunt Lina entered the room and saying this. Although she call me sir, but she says whatever she feels like to me, because after Preeta maa she is the mother figure for me. No one can fulfil my mother’s place but these 2 ladies help me feel her presence.
“I know aunty.” I said without looking at her.
“I know that you know, but the efforts she have done was wasted, she asked like 100’s of question to the chief, to understand your taste and make it according to your taste, and what you did.” She knows every single thing, from my parent’s death to her presence in my life.
“Beta, listen” she said it first time in my life and my eyes went wide.
“You didn’t liked it?” she asked.
“It’s not like that you can say, I didn’t get bothered.”
“Although, you want to take revenge, do it with her father. She is innocent, you were punished when you were innocent so you know the pain of suffering the thing you are not guilty for.” She took a break and continued. “Always the guilty is the one who deserved to be punished no matter how the other people are close to them, it doesn’t change the fact that they are innocent.” She sighs
“She doesn’t deserve what you are doing, still she submits to whatever you says quietly. I know you better than anyone. And no matter how cruel you are to the world and how horrific you appear in front of them, your heart is so good, think about it again and again actually listen to your heart instead. I know your heart is telling you were you are wrong.” She went away after saying and I started feeling restless now, first her efforts and submission to me and now Lina aunt’s reality check. I didn’t respond to her but deep down I know her every single word is true.
She entered the room and closed the door and sat beside on the floor beside me thinking I am sleeping.
“Although its only 2 weeks Aadvait, but you know I am tired now. I don’t know what happens with you and what makes you his way. But I don’t know, deep down I feel you are a good person and you will realize whatever you are doing will not bring you peace you want. I thought to wait for you, to understand.” She stopped I feel that she is sniffling, her voice turned hoarse due to constant crying.
I am now really feeling bad. She got up from the floor and went to the washroom took the bath and laid down beside me and slept but sleep is nowhere for me, I am in the thunderstorm of thoughts and emotions.
I think I should change my strategy for the peace of my mind. I am not forgiving him at all, he will go to hell by my hands, but I have to research on more different things than this. If my revenge will not bring me the peace its useless.

                      Author's pov
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