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Here I am with a compensation chapter 🙂🙂.
Enjoy the chapter and it's my first time writing so I am afraid to bore you guys so I don't add the things that can bore you guys.
I am writing this book to get a feedback on how I can write and will you guys like it or not.
If this book of mine will get a good Review I will write a detailed book as well so support me and do vote guys so I am stay passionate.
Now enough of my ranting.
Happy reading ☺️☺️ .                       

I woke up when the sunlight hit my eyes through the window, my sight fall on Eshika she was tucking the towel on her chest and got shocked

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I woke up when the sunlight hit my eyes through the window, my sight fall on Eshika she was tucking the towel on her chest and got shocked. I was not planning on making her stand whole night, I thought to let her stand for approximately 30 min but when the sleep ingulfed me , I didn't realize that . I wanted to show the video to Aadvait so that he will feel the plain.

After the servent leave the room, she asked me what to wear. Actually I didn't cared but she suffered whole night so I just answered her question with logic. And went downstairs to meet the suffering Aadit.

When he saw me he immediately starting walking toward me "don't you dare touch me or else you know the consequences better." And he stopped.

"Aadvait its all between us, you set my daughter free and I'll do as you please."

"if I want YOU to suffer then you would have died till now, but I want you to feel the pain and hurt I felt all these years."


"just shut up and watch this." I showed him the video of her from last night. When I saw her that she didn't move the whole night and after every 20 min she wet the towel again. I felt the pain in my heart for this behavior but still she is here to be tormented.


"papaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" Eshika came before he can complete.





"Rose, come sit beside me." I said.

When that fucker said she is burning in fever, I felt a weird sensation in my heart and the urge to be close to her was building. So I called her closer to me.

She sat 2 inches away from me. "closer" I whispered and she obediently stoop closer to me. My hand automatically went to her shoulder and started making circles.

"okay, let's talk like a gentlemen ,Agarwal. Try to understand, please set my daughter free."

"you want freedom from me , rose?"

She looked at me and I raised an eyebrow towards her in question. And she shook her head looking on her lap.

" ohoo , Rao. My wife don't want freedom, I cant do that on your mere request. I am really sorry." I said in a mocking tone.

"beta, don't get scared. I will take you home back." He reassured her and the hurt and pain was evident in his eyes, which is soothing the pain in my heart. But her body radiating heat is bothering me now.

"just leave Aadit. We are newlyweds we need some privacy."I said getting bored now.

"Hello my dear friend, you didn't invited me on your wedding ? so Bad of you." I heared a familiar voice and my head snapped toward my most hated enemy. Non other than 'RUDRA RAICHAND'. We are enemies from the mafia world. When Avyaan bought me to ring the first day, it's the day I introduced to mafia world and now I am big part of it.

I asked one of the worker to show the fucker the door. And directed my toward the man who is going to teat my patience now. I looked at him and he is gawking at Eshika from head to toe drooling over her, and now my blood is boiling. How canm he even think anything like that to a woman related to me. Although she is temporary but still it is known only to me, for him she is my wedded wife.

"excuse me Raichand, I am sitting here . your attention is diverting in wrong place." I said to him forcing a smile on my face.

She is still sitting immobile looking at her lap. "Rose , go with aunt lina. And rest until I come back." She looked at aunt lina and start moving behind her, I told her already to give her breakfast and medicines as she need energy to bear me. She was going and he was looking at her still, which didn't went unnoticed by me.

"so Rudra, why are you here, disturbing my first morning after wedding, hm? It should be something important , worth my morning."

"actually, I only came to congratulate you. And ask you the reason, you didn't invited me?"

He would have definitely known, my wedding cant be hidden because if any of the members of mafia head get married they have to inform the other heads and unfortunately , he is one of them.

"informing the mafia heads was complusion and I knew it ,but inviting them is also a thing I didn't knew it." I answered sarcastically.

"its not but out of our friendship, you could have done that."

"I don't think , we have this kind of relationship Rudra."

"yaar, tell him directly. I am your only friend. What are you doing?" Avyaan interrupted our conversation.

I am happy he came , I cant just tolerate him anymore. He is just way to irritating. This bastard is just saying that he think of me as a friend , but the reality is he equally hates me as I hate him. He is just good at hiding it. I don't fear anyone , so I don't feel the need to.

"your wife is indeed , so damn hot. When are you planning to leave her ?" only as line from him, and I snap toward him, pulling him up from the couch by his colar.

"don't you dare, Raichand. You know, I don't like sharing. And she is my wife, I am going to slit your throat , the very moment you try to touch her. I don't like joking , you know me well." I roared at him.

"wooaw waoow waaow , Aadvait. Are you being jealous? This is the first time I am seeing this expression on your face, I have witnessed so many emotions of anger on your face but today is something special. It will be fun playing?" he said jerking his colar from my hand and leaving the room.

"keep an eye on him. He wont give up that easily." I said to Avyaan sitting beside me and he nodded in response.

                          Author's pov
Guys I will upload tomorrow as well and please vote and tell me your thoughts on it.
Thought about Aadvait.
Thoughts about Eshika.

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And tell me about what you think 💬.
Until tomorrow bye dears.
I love you all who support and help me keep writing ❤️.

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