Put You and I Together

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The last two weeks Adrien attended dates with each girl on his list. He wanted to forget every horrible moment. He wanted to give up and maybe pretend he was asexual, or gay, or maybe he could join a celibacy commune. He could still have a life and find a girl on his own, in his own time. The world didn't have to know he was straight, right? He could hide any relationship from the world. He had the money to do so. Then again, anything that could negatively influence the brand, his father would never allow it. He had less than twenty-four hours to make his decision and respond to Population Services. Laying back on his bed, right arm swung over his eyes, blocking the light above him, Adrien sighed, thinking back to how he got here in the first place.


Two weeks ago, Natalie began calling the numbers listed on his match list, each girl just as ecstatic to be matched with THE Adrien Agreste as the next. The thought that he would have to spend an afternoon or evening with his fan girls truly irked him to no end, even if he was getting the better end of a deal than most eligible Parisians in the lottery. Hearing the excited screams across the room through the phone as Natalie set up the appointments made his stomach queasy and his headache though.

The first date only made it about five minutes. Adrien had just turned the corner to face the little French bistro where he was meeting Ms. Babineaux, when he was immediately attacked by a flailing brunette. The girl wrapping her arms around his neck, squealing in his ear as she dragged him down to her height. Thankfully his bodyguard, Gorilla was following behind him and removed her quickly. His neck still hurt from that little stunt. Needless to say, there is a restraining order now. She can't come within thirty feet of him.

The next couple dates he couldn't remember their names without the list. A blonde and another brunette. Both girls were sweet and polite. No over crazy fangirling, but the weird smiles and nervous ticks in his presence was a real turnoff. How was he supposed to be in a relationship, much less be sexually intimate and make a child with a girl who could barely form a sentence in front of him? Being famous was intimidating he supposed but, it really put a damper on the date, and he really didn't feel like trying again with either female.

His date with Louise had been quite fun really. Learning about her English background and growing up in another country until she turned sixteen brought about interesting discussions. The common English ancestry on his mother's side helped him find a connection, especially since his Aunt Amelie and cousin Felix still lived in London. The whole date they spoke in English, Adrien's mispronunciations making the atmosphere light and joyful, as they laughed at his expense.

He had a fun with her, she was a nice girl and quite beautiful, if he had to say so himself. The blue of her eyes was his favorite. Her long, dark chocolate hair framing her face perfectly, bringing the brightness of those baby blues to the forefront, making them shine like hot blue flames. Unfortunately, though his black cat luck found him once more. Their match percentage barely over the cut off was not high enough for his father's liking. He wasn't allowed to choose her.

His last date, he wasn't feeling anymore after losing out on Louise. Josephine was cute. Though he wouldn't call her beautiful. Her features made her seem so much younger. Her pale skin, rounded face, and light dusting of freckles reminded him of a young girl, barely old enough to date, much yet have a child. He knew she wasn't, but once the idea popped in his head, it just wouldn't leave. He was polite and enjoyed their time, but she wasn't going to be his choice.

At this point he couldn't pick any of the options. That is why he was laying on his bed, feeling tired and dejected. Maybe not having a choice would have been easier. He was used to that anyway. Everything in his life was chosen or given to him. Apparently, fate didn't want to change that for him anytime soon.

"Urgh." It was the first sound Adrien had made since he laid down on his bed, reliving his failed dates.

"Hey kid, don't ched-dar tear, everything's all gouda."

"Har, har. Plagg. Cheese puns really?"

"You're the pun loving kitten, I just need you alive and happy, so you keep giving me cheese. Because kid, you better brie-lieve, I can't live without it."

Before he could respond with his own witty comeback, a knock sounded from the bedroom door. With another groan, he sat up on his bed, turning to his kwami, "go eat your cheese then, and leave me alone. At least only one of us should have to suffer." He turned from the floating black cat swinging his legs off the side of the bed closest to this door answering, "come in." A moment later he could hear the creaking of the door and clicking of heels.


Natalie entered the room in her usual attire, a black power suit and her tablet in hand. Without looking up at her charge she stopped directly in front of him. "Adrien, have you made your decision?" Running his hand down his face, pulling the skin downward as he grunted at the pressure, he was exerting, he shook his head. He could feel Natalie's eyes move to stare at him, the weight of her gaze overpowering, making him look up at her. "Adrien, you have had ample time to come to a decision for which female you would like. Your father will not be pleased." Standing to his feet and clinching his hands into fists at his sides he spoke firmly, "father refused to accept my choice because her match was too low. Also, this isn't some simple decision. It's not like I'm picking what I want for breakfast, even though I don't get to choose that either most of the time."

His voice was gruff as he huffed out his thoughts and frustrations to his caretaker. Natalie only continuing to watch him with her right brown raised in question. "Look, I don't have a choice, okay? Two of the girls were fangirling the whole date, one assaulted me, and the other was so sweet and pure, I could only think of her as a child. Louise was the only one I was even remotely attracted to or had anything in common with and father said no. So, what do you expect me to do, Natalie? What do I do?"

Adrien fell back onto his bed, bouncing just a bit as his body hit the mattress. His breathing heavy from his rant, he closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself down. "Are you done?" The stoic female asked him after some time once his breathing was more under control. Nodding again without making a sound, Adrien waited on her to say more.

"Well as interesting as that was, your father received an email moments ago from population services. I have good news. You will no longer need to choose." At that comment Adrien flew up off his bed to stand in front of Natalie, a look of confusion on his face. "What do you mean, I don't have to choose? Am I no longer part of the lottery?" He asked, a bit of wishfulness in his tone. "Sir, please. Of course you are," the assistant scoffed at Adrien's reaction. A small whine escaping him as he sat back down again. "You will be assigned just as everyone else. "What! But!" Natalie held up a hand stopping him his dispute, "Paris Population Services have found you an almost perfect match. It is practically unheard-of Adrien for a match to be so strong, unless you are family, which is obviously against the rules, incest and all. This girl, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, is her name. She was recently tested on her eighteenth birthday and the results yielded a 99.9% match to yours. The email used the term, soulmate or in layman's terms, you were made for each other, at least genetically speaking."

Adrien's eyes shot open when he heard their match percentage, his breath catching in his throat when the term soulmate fell from Natalie's tongue. "Soulmate?" He whispered the word, before eagerly asking, "what did you say her name was again? Do you have any information on her?" A knowing smirk shown on Natalie's face at his request. She knew how much of a romantic the boy was, even if he had never had a real girlfriend before, thanks to his father's overprotectiveness.

"Her name is Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Here is a file on her. Your father had me pull a full report aside from what the services provided. She seems to be a nice girl. You may even recognize her."

At that, an eyebrow rose on Adrien's face as he reached for the folder from where he was now sitting. "I will leave you to it. Also, she will not be given your name, but I will set up a time for her to arrive for a first meeting before she moves to the mansion. I will also begin to prepare the guest room for her, until you are comfortable enough to share." Natalie pivoted, exiting the room and shutting the heavy wooden door behind her. At the sound of it clicking into place, Adrien whispered out a "thank you" while opening the folder to learn more about his apparent soulmate.  

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