The Lonely Games

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Two weeks passed while Marinette continued acclimating herself to living at the Agreste Manor. Waking up at six am every day for breakfast was the worst, but so was the schedule she had to stick to for more sex education classes, couples' relationship therapy, conflict resolution, and so many others. She was absolutely exhausted. She was so exhausted that she hadn't even used her new sewing machine yet and barely had the opportunity to speak to her parents.

"Tikki, I know Adrien is famous and it's kind of a big deal to match with him, but I don't know if I can do this much longer. How does he live like this?" Marinette asked her kwami as she lay in her bed, pillow covering her face, where she had just finished screaming. "I know this is hard Marinette, but you are a part of Adrien's life now. That mean's there is some give and take," the little floating god said as she finished munching on a chocolate chip cookie. "I don't know Tikki, I mean Adrien's great. He really is. He's sweet, gentlemanly, incredibly attractive, and a total flirty jokester, which is kind of strange, but all of this seems so forced. I don't know if I'm cut out to be a model's baby mama. I mean they even limit my food intake and I'm not even the model... and don't even mention how hard it is to get you cookies." Floating to her chosen's face, Tikki snuggles into her cheek, "just give it some time, everything will work out the way it is supposed to." Nodding to her little friend, Marinette lays back, cuddling into the bed, exhaustion taking her over.


Adrien exited his room in gym shorts and a black skin tight tank as he headed to meet his personal trainer. Taking his first step down the large marble stairs a whimper caught his ear, the side effects of the miraculous allowing him to hear even the softest of sounds. Turning back toward the sound he realized it was coming from Marinette's room. After last time he entered her room as Chat Noir, thinking she was hurt, he was definitely cautious to approach her door. Listening more closely with his ear to the door, the sounds reminded him of one of his father's crying baby akumas, he hated when he used little kids as pawns, they were completely innocent.

Knocking lightly on the door he listened for a response but heard none. Taking that as an okay to enter as well as the fact that there were no moans this time, he slowly turned the knob, pushing the door forward. Laying before him curled into fetal position in her bed was Marinette, tears falling down her cheeks as she cried in her sleep. "What's wrong with her kid, you didn't do anything stupid did you? You may be my holder, but I will cataclysm your ass if you hurt her!" Plagg told Adrien as he flew to eye level, his little arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "I didn't do anything Plagg, shut up. Plus, I have no reason to hurt her, it's not like she's ladybug," Adrien stated, the black kwami grimacing slightly at the comment, hoping his holder didn't notice. Thankfully Adrien turned and exited the room without another word and made his way down the stairs.

Stopping at the bottom of the stairs Adrien noticed his father's office door open, which was strange, because Gabriel always closed his door. It was how he got to the lair after all, he couldn't allow anyone to just waltz in without warning. Taking a few steps toward the office, Natalie's voice could be heard but he couldn't make out what was being said, so he entered the room, knocking as he stepped inside. "Adrien, can I help you?" Gabriel said in the middle of his sentence that stopped abruptly at the sight of his tall, blonde son. "I... um... I saw your door open and I wanted to see why?" He answered in more of a question than statement. Clearing his throat, Gabriel's eyes never left Adrien's as he said, "we were discussing Ms. Marinette. It seems her emotions are high right now. I have felt that emotion before, but never been able to akumatize her, she would make for a wonderful ak," "NO!" Adrien cut his father off, "leave her alone. She is off limits." Natalie and Gabriel's brows rose at the comment, an "excuse me?" escaping his father as he intertwined his fingers on his desk and leaned forward slightly.

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