Picture Purrfect

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The next morning while getting ready Adrien knew he really couldn't be mad at Marinette. She didn't know he was Chat. She didn't know why he needed the Ladybug miraculous, and he couldn't tell her, at least not yet. He needed her full trust before and if, he ever decided to let her know. Right now, she was still just a stranger who was becoming a friend. "Come on kid, hurry up. I need some cheese before you leave, but if you take too long, we won't have time to get any from the kitchen before you have to leave!" Plagg complained from behind his holder. Running the comb through his hair one last time as he looked at himself in the mirror, Adrien responded, "alight you like black hole, let's go get you that nasty ass cheese you like." Plagg flew immediately in front of his face, "what did you say? LIKE... LIKE? There is no LIKE when it comes to camembert. It is my one true LOVE, get it right you dumb blonde model boy." The kwami stuck out his tongue and flew toward the door, turning back at the last minute to make sure Adrien was following.

Bursting through her bedroom door Marinette ran, jumped, and skipped steps as she hurried toward the foyer to meet Adrien and Natalie for their photoshoot. "One minute till Ms. Dupain-Cheng. You are cutting it close." Marinette looking up toward the voice then missing the last two steps, flying forward. Letting out a shrill scream, she threw her hands out in front of her, ready for her weight on her hands as she landed on the hard, marble floors below her. Instead of solid stone, she felt a hardness but there was no pain or extra weight to support. Feeling warmth under her palms, Marinette opened her eyes to see a navy-blue button up with the top two buttons undone. Raising her head up higher, her eyes met the beautiful green of Adrien's.

"Woah, there Mari. Falling for me again already, I see." Adrien chuckled at her pink cheeks as he set her down on the floor away from the steps. "You know, we already have to get to know each other and make a kid together, all this falling is really cute, but it's not necessary," he winked at her and turned to open the front door. Marinette scoffed at the comment but pinkened even more at the genuine smile on the model's face. "You are quite beautiful too. I knew that dress would look great on you." Looking down at her dress then back to the boy before her, Marinette smiled a sugary sweet smile, her blue eyes shimmering with happiness, "thank you, Adrien. I... I really appreciate it." Feeling a little more confident after his comment, Marinette bumped her shoulder into him. Walking out the door then looking back over her shoulder at the blonde, returning his wink and said, "but I can't be falling when you are the one that looks like he fell from heaven." Adrien's eyes widened at her pickup line and his smile broadened. "Well then I guess that makes up a MATCH made in heaven, right my angel." The endearment too much for the bluenette as she abruptly turned around and quickly headed toward their waiting chauffeur.

The gray town car pulled up to the park across from Marinette's parents Boulangerie minutes later. "Adrien, can we visit Maman and Papa before we head back?" Marinette asked excitedly. The blondes pearly white smile still on his face since the short bout of flirting, turned to answer, "of course Marinette. I really want to meet your parents, plus those pastries you brought with you the first day were fabulous. I could go for more." Giggling at the model's reasoning Marinette, but also so incredibly excited to see her parents, she didn't think when she threw her body forward wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck. "Thank you, Adrien," the girl shouted squeezing tightly. Adrien pausing momentarily at the shock of her actions, finally rested his large hands on her lower back. As soon as he applied slight pressure to hug back, Marinette pulled away, frantic. "Sorry, so, so, sorry. I didn't... I don't know what..." Adrien cut her off by grabbing her hands and stopping the erratic swinging of arms and saying, "Marinette its fine really, I," one of his hands released hers and slid up the back of his neck as he rubbed it, looking away from her. "It was nice, I mean the hug, yeah. I... to be honest, I don't really get hugs often. I think the last time someone hugged me and really meant it, not just some crazy fan or model, was before my mom died." Adrien brought his eyes back to look into Marinette's swirling blue oceans. "Oh. Well, if you want or need a hug, you just have to ask. I have plenty to give," Marinette squeezed the hand she was still holding and gave the sweetest smile she could muster as the door behind opened, "are the two of you going to exit the car or do we need to complete the shoot inside?"

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