Meeting Their Match

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The next few days were uneventful for Marinette. Without contact information for her match, she was just biding her time. She had her phone ringer on high, including vibrations to ensure she didn't miss a call. However, none ever came, so Marinette waited... and waited.

Her father had brought her pink luggage from storage to her room to prepare for her move, but she hadn't packed. She didn't want to seem too eager, not that she was. Really, she was scared of what was to come and waiting for the call made the anticipation and anxiety worse, so instead she worked in the bakery and her on designs to fill the time and her mind.

Every night she made her way back to her balcony to enjoy the view and though she would never admit it, look for a certain black cat. Chat Noir also hadn't returned since the night of his random drop in. Sometimes while she watched the Parisian Streets from above on her balcony, she wondered if she had imagined it all, asking Tikki if it had really happened. Verifying that the impromptu visit did occur, brought confusion, concern, anxiety, and hope.

The idea that Chat Noir found her of all the girls in Paris and decided to drop by had pissed her off at first, but now... she couldn't help but wonder if he did that with other girls or if he somehow knew her identity. She couldn't verify if he visited others in the dark of night, but she was fairly certain now that he didn't know she was his enemy in any sense of the word, which confused her even more. If he knew, then surely, he would have taken the opportunity to steal her earrings while she wasn't transformed, or at least shown up again to antagonize and tease her more in the last three days. That seemed to be their hero/villain dynamic anyway.

Uncertainty seemed to be her new normal, especially these last few days while her thoughts revolved around two handsome blonde men with bright green eyes and gorgeous smiles. Her mind on a constant spiral of maybes, what ifs, and when. With a sigh, Marinette closed the skylight hatch behind her and lay down on her fluffy pink comforter closing her eyes. Right now, she just wanted to sleep, she would worry about the two men tomorrow.


Marinette awoke the next morning to her mother's voice shouting to her from behind her trap door. "Marinette, honey you have a visitor." Groaning at the idea that someone would come to see her when the sun wasn't even directly over Paris yet, Marinette answered back, "Maman, who is it and why are they here so early?" She could hear her mother's footsteps as she made her way up the ladder, the trap door creaking open. With a soft chuckle her mother answered, "It is almost eleven Marinette and I think you will want to talk with the woman who is asking for you. I believe she is here to speak to you about your first match meeting and relocation plans, sweetie."

Understanding quickly dawned on Marinette that the person downstairs was who she had been waiting for, for the last four days now. Shooting up from her bed and practically jumping down the stairs Marinette dashed around her room looking for something presentable to wear. Looking to her mother who watched her with mirth Marinette whined, "Maman, it's not funny! What if what I wear isn't good enough? What about my hair and my makeup?"

Grabbing a brush from her vanity Marinette ran the bristles through her hair quickly taming the rogue stands protruding oddly off her head, deciding to leave it down to save time. "Here Marinette, put this on. It's cute and quick. Then just add a bit of mascara and lip gloss you will be fine," Sabine said holding out a lavender tunic and a cute jean skirt with matching purple and white butterflies embroidered to the back pockets.

She had created the piece after the first time she captured an akuma. The purple butterfly suddenly turning white as snow as it left her yo-yo once cleansed had inspired her for the piece. Even if the little bugs were used for evil, the purification was beautiful, and she wanted to memorialize the process. Slipping on her pale pink ballet flats Marinette followed her mother through the trap door, ready to hopefully have some answers.

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