Kwami Undercover

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Shutting the bedroom door behind her Marinette smiled leaning back with her eyes closed. "Tikki, today was so great! The photoshoot with Adrien, it was fun, until the Akuma. Then even with the guilt, Adrien helped me see that I wasn't harming anyone by separating him from Lila. I got to see Maman and Papa and they seemed to get along with Adrien too!" The girl sighed a little sigh of happiness that she finally felt after the long weeks she'd been accustomed to at the Agreste Manor. The high-pitched squeak of Tikki's little voice, pleased that her chosen was happy, flew to her smiling as she spoke, "I know Marinette. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy your day even after Lila was akumatized, but... there is something I think we need to talk about." The tone of the kwami's voice lowered into one of apprehension as Marinette furrowed her brow.

"What about?"

"Chat Noir."


Pushing herself away from the door, Marinette quietly walked to her bed sitting on the side and patting beside her for Tikki to sit and explain. "So... is this about him freaking out today about well... me, civilian me?" Tikki nodded, eyes full of worry. "What do you think it was about?" Tikki asked. "Honestly, Tikki. How does Chat even know Marinette Dupain-Cheng exists? This didn't start happening until..." Marinette paused to think about when she had ever spoken to Chat Noir as her civilian self. "He obviously doesn't know I'm me, well Ladybug me... like we thought when he dropped by the balcony." Tikki shrugged flying up to be eye to eye with Marinette. "I told you I was worried that he had figured you out that night, but now we know that's not true, like you just said. There has to be something though that would make you as a civilian important. One random night on a balcony doesn't create panic like that...especially not for Chat Noir," the little sprite stated as she continued to brainstorm.

"Well other than the balcony, I can't think of another time that Chat and Marinette have spoken. I'm always Ladybug when he's around." Tikki hmmm'd in thought as her eyes light up with a thought then dimmed again at the realization that it wasn't a good one.

"Marinette, what if Chat Noir is someone that you just recently met, someone who has been with you for a few weeks now and might be feeling a bit protective of you?

"And... who would that be?"

Pausing as if trying to decide if she should say or keep it her herself for now, Tikki finally sighed, laying a small hand on Marinette's cheek. "What if Chat Noir turned out to be Adrien?" Pfffttt. Marinette spit out the invisible water she was drinking. A laugh bubbling from her as she heard her kwami's idea. "There is no way Tikki. Adrien is famous, he is literally all over Paris in pictures and magazines. Plus, he told me about his schedule. When would he have time for villainy?" Marinette asked the little God as she continued her rant.

"Plus, Adrien is so sweet, he can be a bit of a flirt sometimes yeah, but overall, he's only been great. Chat Noir on the other hand is an asshole, who doesn't care about anything but helping Hawkmoth and getting the miraculous," Marinette finished with a huff. "Except for you," Tikki whispered out. Marinette's head turning so fast to look at the kwami she should have whiplash. "Except... for me." She paused for a moment after she repeated her kwami's words. "And wasn't it you who thought your match was Chat Noir in the first place, with the puns and all when you read his match information?" Tikki pushed. "That was an obvious joke Tikki, I mean there could be tons of guys who like puns, have blonde hair and green eyes in Paris, but I'll be even more careful, if that makes you feel better Tikki. I really don't know how he could be that alley cat; we haven't even known each other that long." Ending the conversation there, Marinette went to prepare for bed. Tikki on the other hand had another idea. Spy Kwami Tikki was going to find some answers.


Phasing through the wall of Marinette's room, Tikki quickly moved through the open hallway toward the possible offender's room. Placing her little red ear to the door she attempted to listen to any voice or noise coming through. Unfortunately for her she was the Ladybug Kwami not the Black Cat, so her hearing was only subpar. Knowing she was getting nowhere trying to hear through the thick wood, she prepared herself with a long, drawn-out breath and entered the massive bedroom. Thankfully the lights were off. He must has already gone to bed, that was good, it would make snooping easier.

Moving as silently as she could and thankful that she didn't have real ladybug wings to make noise, Tikki flew high above the room toward the second level. The light from the windows providing just enough light for her to move swiftly without worry of hitting anything. The upper story of the room was full of books, many of the books Tikki had heard of throughout her long life, but even so, not all were recognizable. Skimming through the stacks she attempted to find anything that could give away that Adrien was hiding a secret, specifically being Chat Noir.

Finding nothing in his loft, Tikki made her way back down to the area where Adrien was resting, checking out the bathroom, his closet, and the sitting area next. Nothing. She couldn't find a spec of evidence that this boy was who she thought he was. Something just wasn't adding up and if Adrien wasn't Chat then maybe she was losing her wits about her. She had even had a little dream that Plagg had found her in the kitchen, overstuffed on sweets and falling comat... "Hey there Sugar Cube! Whatcha looking for?" A sharp shriek came from the red kawmi's lips, a small, black paw quickly covering her mouth to silence her.

"Shhh... Tiks, you'll wake up the kid!"

Removing his hand from her mouth as she nodded in acceptance, "I knew it!"

"Knew what?"

"Adrien is Chat Noir, isn't he?"

"Now Sugar Cude you know I can't tell you that, magical spells and what not," Plagg gave his other half a deadpan expression before saying, "he does provide me with some of the best camembert money can buy though. I'd share but I know that's not your thing. Especially after finding you passed out in the sweet's cabinet two weeks ago."

"Wait! That wasn't a sugar induced dream?"

"Nope. You were totally stoned on crystalized sweetness, Sugar Cube," he black kwami chuckled as his red counterpart crossed her little kwami arms.

"No time for joking, Plagg. This is serious. We need to tell Master Fu."

"Fu knows the kid has the miraculous Tikki."

"Then why didn't he take it away?"

Shrugging Plagg flew over to look at his sleeping ward, then returned with a piece of camembert from the mini fridge beside the bed. "You know Fu always has his reasons, but the kids not a bad kit. He's just misunderstood, and he was young, so, so young when Fu gave him the ring. I've tried to get him to see reason, but Hawky has something, but it's not important right now," Plagg finished his cheese with one large gulp before continuing. "Funny how the bugs and kits always come together in the end though isn't it. Your bug as smitten as my oblivious kit over there?" Not finding the conversation the least bit fun or entertaining, Tikki went serious on Plagg, "I can't believe how you are acting about this. Marinette won't believe me that Adrien is Chat Noir, and I can't tell her now that I do know because of the magic. Ugh! I need to get her away from here!"

Plagg seemed to contemplate Tikki's point of view then wrapped her in a soft hug and started to purr. "She will be fine. I told you the kid is already starting to like her. The universe set this up. Just let it play out. I don't think we will be disappointed. Plus, if something does happen, we have each other." Tikki still wasn't happy about the situation. Yes, she knew to trust Plagg and his judgment about his holder, but he betrayed Ladybug and Master Fu. She wasn't one to take the risks, she was the rational one. She wanted a plan, laid out and ready to be followed. Who was she to argue with the universe though. If there is a reason for this whole mess, then she was just going to have pray to kwami's that her ladybug luck kept them all safe.

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