Lottomizing Agreste

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Adrien watched out the large wall of windows separating him from the outside as Parisians screamed, running from the fire encompassing La Tour Eiffel. He could see the smoke, obviously made from magic, consume the streets covering anyone in its path. This was a situation he wasn't accustomed to. Usually, he was out there with the Akuma, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to catch Ladybug in a moment of weakness. Usually, he was fighting her for her miraculous.

It had been years since he received his miraculous, when he had met Plagg, and become Chat Noir. So many years he had spent working with his father to bring his mother back from her magical coma and restore their family to what it once was. Chuckling at the thought of Natalie's face when she entered his bedroom while Plagg attempted to eat his tv remote that first day as he departed the now silver ring sitting on his right, ring finger. That moment she ran from the room, his father returning soon after offering him to work beside him. Of course, how could he say no? With his mother gone, his father had been distant and smothering him with activities. The offer was a chance to spend time with his father and impress him.

Now the Adrien Agreste, hottest bachelor in Paris was not only high sought after at eighteen as the man to be matched with in the baby lottery but continued to be the enemy of light and luck. He was darkness and destruction, even if the world didn't see it. He just hoped his black cat bad luck didn't cause him problems now that he would be tested today to find his match. Keeping the Agreste men's secret was going to be even more difficult with an outsider entering their lives soon.

Turning away from the wall of windows, he ran his hand through his hair as a knock came from his bedroom door. "Come in," he responded to the sound as the door slowly swung inward. A tall slender man in a white lab coat, with snow white hair, glasses and deep onyx eyes, slowly made his way into the room at the call.

"Doctor Abadie, nice to see you again sir."

"You as well Mr. Agreste. I assume you know why I am here?" The old man asked, the soft rasp of his voice giving away the man's age along with the shuffle of his gait. Nodding Adrien took a seat on the large white couch in the sitting are of his bedroom, as the doctor began removing his supplies. Natalie planted her feet beside them, overlooking the process. Her tablet held in her hands as she tapped in quick sequences, her face stoic as ever. Patiently, waiting and watching both individuals, Adrien followed the man's instructions, answering questions as he was asked until multiple tube of blood were laying on the table in front of him, his blood pressure and temperature had been taken.

"Mr. Agreste, the last items we need are DNA samples from multiple sources." Ripping into a long white paper package, Dr. Abadie revealed two white cue tips. Long pale wood sticks attached to the cotton. "This is a swab. I am going to need you to open your mouth. I will touch the cotton tip to the inside of your cheek and rub. Are you ready?" Humming in respond Adrien separated his lips and widened his jaw to allow the swabs to caress inside.

Removing the swabs, Adrien's mouth now closed once more, the swabs were placed, cotton tip down into a clear tube with a small amount of liquid at the bottom. The wooden ends then broken off to allow for the lid to be screwed on, sealing the specimen inside. The next moment Adrien was handed two clear cups with stickers across the stop, sealing them closed. Looking up at his physician and raising an eyebrow, he questioned, "Uh... sir, what?" He gulped loudly as Dr. Abadie chuckled, the corner of Natalie's lip even curving up as Adrien continued to eye the cups.

"This one here, with the green lid. It is for a urine specimen, young sir."

"And... the other one?"


Nodding as his face began turning pink, Adrien stood grabbing his phone and both cups turning toward this bathroom. "Be back in a few minutes," he mumbled closing the heavy door and locking it behind him. Taking a minute before making his way to the toilet her leaned against the door, eyes closing and taking in deep breaths to calm his obvious embarrassment from being asked to jerk the jerkin in front of his father's secretary and mother-like figure. As he lifted his head away from the door a knock came from the other side.

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