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Light filtered through cracks in the long black curtains covering the ceiling height windows of Adrien's room. The light pulling two sets of eyes open slowly with its brightness. The eye's owners starting to groan and move beneath a thin white sheet covering them as they lay on the king-sized bed. "What... why am I so sticky," the female with blue-black hair grumbled as she pulled her arm off her bed partner to rub her eyes. The question making the other bury his face more deeply into his pillow, another groan escaping him.

"Ugh, Mari. It's took early, go back to be..." The deep muffled voice of the young blonde sounded as a crescendo in volume overtook each word as he lifted his head quickly to look at the girl beside him. The blonde's, bright green eyes widening at the sight of his match's breasts and torso on display before him as the rest of her continued to hide under the sheet. "Ma...Mar...Mari, boobs," he breathed the last word as he released a breath, he wasn't aware he had been holding. His face now red as Ladybug's suit.

Immediately the girl beside him screamed, blue now meeting green as she urgently pulled at the sheet to cover herself, accidently pulling the covers off the blonde. His eight pack abdominals catching her gaze until something twitched hitting them. Another scream left the girl when she realized Adrien's manhood was standing tall and hard, red and veiny, ready for morning activity. The bluenette jumped in her spot, flailing as she was wrapped in the sheet and fell over the side of the bed. Her head and shoulders lying flat on the floor as her naked body and legs stuck straight up into the air, her ass leaning against the side of the bed. "Marinette are you okay!" Adrien quickly crawled to look at her, his morning wood keeping him from moving as quickly as he would have liked. The tip now touching the calf of the girl laying on the floor, making her whine. "Ad...Adrien, please back up." Looking down at his still twitching member he jumped back, apologizing over and over again.


"Here, put this on," Adrien had helped Marinette stand after putting on a pair of boxer briefs and black, baggy sweats. The white t-shirt in his outstretched hand would definitely be too big for her, but at least she would be covered. Pulling on the top and her underwear from the night before, Marinette looked around the room, trying not to look at Adrien. Her cheeks still pink from embarrassment.

Suddenly a large, warm hand landed on her shoulder, pulling her sight back to the peridot fields of the blonde's eyes. A smile formed on his perfectly shaped face as he asked, "better?" Marinette nodded, looking away again while saying, "I... I guess we should talk about la...last night. Right?" Her voice was so small and hesitant that Adrien wasn't sure if he should say yes or not. Of course he had been surprised waking up to a gorgeous, naked girl in his bed. That was a complete and utter first. Though, he had now found his footing and the embarrassment had passed. "If you need time Marinette, we don't have to yet. I know last night was full of new experiences for the both of us, but I want you to know that there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It was absolutely wonderful, at least on my end. The model chuckled, running his right hand through his hair as he removed his eyes from her momentarily. "I hope you liked it too?" The hand that ran through his hair now met his lower neck and was rubbing harshly. "Without looking back at the blonde boy in front of her, Marinette nodded, whispering a quick, squeaky, "yes."


Soon enough Marinette and Adrien were sitting in front of his seventy-inch television watching old 1990's Anime, while indulging in the breakfast Natalie had brought to them. There was mirth in Natalie's eyes as she lay down the tray of food and asked about their evening. Eyeing the two teens, she knew her process was a success, the two further along than anticipated, even if the class she had planned was a bust.

Before exiting the room, Natalie turned back to address them. "Oh, don't forget I need that description of last night. One from each of you, both receiving and giving." Adrien spat out the sip of orange juice he had just taken in, while Marinette dropped a croissant to the floor. Laughing into her hand, Natalie turned away and closed the door, leaving the two to reexperience their night by putting words to paper.

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