Keep Calm and Cum On

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Waking up the next morning, Marinette took her time getting ready for the day. She hadn't slept well the night before. Thoughts of an upset Adrien and dreams of Chat Noir cataclysming her or Alya, keeping her from a decent slumber. If she didn't have to be up and follow the specific routine required by the Agreste's she would much rather still be cuddled under her blankets for the whole day. She was definitely going to need coffee or something with caffeine to make it through her classes today.

At eight she had breakfast, at ten would be cotillion, because setting a table correctly, speaking properly, and learning the correct fork to use for what course is apparently an important skill in the Agreste household. After three hours of learning to be a "proper lady," as Natalie had called it, she would finally have lunch and rest for an hour, before her next class with Adrien from two to three. Then she would hopefully be free for the night.

"Ugh, Tikki. This is going to be such a long day and to be running on limited sleep. I hope I don't fall asleep while they specify how not to slurp soup." Her little red kwami came floating to Marinette's face as she giggled at her holder's silliness. "Oh Marinette, I highly doubt soup slurping is part of the curriculum," the magical ladybug told her as she bit into a cookie, crumbs covering her face and dropping to the floor. Giggling Marinette poked her in the tummy while jesting, "says you Tikki. You're a little messy eater yourself. I think you need these lessons as much as I do." Nodding while laughing in agreement through a mouth full of cookie, Tikki agreed. Turning away from her kwami to open the door, Marinette exited the room, wiping her front to reduce any wrinkles and headed toward the stairs for breakfast.


"Good morning, Adrien, Natalie, the bluenette said as she crossed the threshold into the dining room. The blonde was already sitting at the table facing the opposite wall, his secretary standing across from him, straight and stiff, face stoic as usual. Upon hearing her voice, Adrien's head jolted up, a small smile making its way to his lips. Marinette could tell it was a bit forced, kind of like the ones she saw in his modeling photos. The smile was nothing like the one he wore the day they had dinner with her parents, while he was laughing and punning with her father at that table as they ate.

Pulling out the chair to the right of Adrien, she took her seat. A plate with two poached eggs, toast with avocado, and two pieces of bacon were sat in front of her along with a cup of orange juice. Once Adrien was served, she placed he left hand on his right, as he reached for his fork, stopping him momentarily. The blonde immediately raised an eyebrow, giving her a look of questioning.

"Sorry," the girl whispered. "I just want to make sure you are okay. You seemed upset last night and now that good morning smile was less than real." Adrien's eyebrow dropped along with his mouth, a frown now appearing on his handsome features. "I...I. Sorry I don't want to pry, but I just want you to know that I'm here if you need me, Adrien. You are becoming very special in my life, and I care for you. I truly wish for you to be happy and if there is something I can do to help, I'm more than happy to do so," she finished by giving him the most genuine smile she could. She meant every word, but she wanted to make sure he had no doubt about her words at all. As she removed her hand from his, releasing him to lift his fork, he presented a sweeter, toothier smile as he whispered back a thank you. The rest of the meal was spent in silence, and she was okay with that. Adrien knew she would be there if he needed to talk. That was enough for her at that moment.


Cotillion etiquette and training was not what Marinette had excepted. Well actually, it was, but it was so much worse! After three hours of setting a table over and over again, Marinette was sure that the rich, were out of their minds. She had only ever eaten with one fork or spoon, maybe a pair of chopsticks to placate her mother while enjoying cuisine of her heritage.

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