Chapter 1: Viper

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~Bella's POV~
"It's a bit cloudy today huh?" my older sister Martiza mentioned as she was driving. I nodded in agreement as I looked out the window daydreaming. We were on our way back home from training, my body was sore so I wasn't up for conversation. Mari's always been stronger than me, our parents had always given give praise for her endurance. "I don't know why we have to do these stupid training sessions in the first place," I sighed loudly slumping in my seat. Mari looked over sympathetically, "You'll understand one day, you did good today! Don't be so hard on yourself.." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone to scroll through TikTok for the rest of the car ride.

We finally made it home, thank goodness. I instantly hopped out of the car to open the front door. As i grabbed the door handle, a sudden feeling of fear washed over me. I swung the door opened, dropping my phone. My eyes widen unable to process what I'm seeing. "Mom..?"I muttered out, unable to move from the door. Both of my parents were on the floor unconscious and bleeding. The world around me became silent, not realizing my sister was beside me saying something. Without thinking, I ran up to them to make sure they were still alive. "Bella no!" Mari had yelled chasing after me but it was too late. Just around the corner were three men dressed in all black and masked. Two of them charged at me and I froze. Maritza grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the way. I stumbled and fell to the floor next to my lifeless parents. I watched as Maritza effortlessly fought off two of the men at the same time. I've never seen her move like this, not even in training. I was in awe. "Bella run! Snap out of it!" Maritza yelled before getting knocked out by the second man. I got up quickly and kicked the man away from Maritza's body. "Get off me!" I screamed as the other two men grabbed my arms. The man I kicked walked up to me as I screamed for my life, I made eye contact with him through his mask. "I-" I muttered out before getting knocked out.

                                  ~Maritza's POV ~
"Ugh.. my head.." I  groaned quietly attempting to reach for my head. I shifted around realizing I had been tied up. Finally opening my eyes, I looked around.  The room is too dark to see anything but from what I can gather, I'm in a cage in some underground facility. There's at least 20 people here, not sure whether some are in the same position I'm in. "So dark.." I mumbled as my head pounded from a raging migraine. I knew we were being targeted but to take out mother and father so easily..? What do they want with us?
"We're done with the youngest one sir," one of the men said as they brought in Bella, some light peered in as the door opened. She was kicking and screaming as they brought her in. "Bella!" I shot up and leaned against the cage, I felt my anger rising watching them treat my younger sister with such roughness. "Mari!" Bella cried out to me before being slammed onto the ground. My eyes widen and I quickly began to bang myself against the cage. "I'll kill you!" I sneered out. The man picked Bella up and threw her in the cage with me. Before walking away he grabbed my face through the cage, "This is the famous Agent Viper huh? The rumors of you being a 19 year old girl was true then. You made it so easy for us to catch you, it's hard to believe your kill count is so high," The man smirked before releasing my face. "Agent Viper..?" Bella said out loud. I hesitated but spat on his cheek before smirking back at him, "I'll make you my next body don't worry." He wiped his face and smiled at us before throwing something in the cage. I quickly moved away from it, it looked like a bomb. He quietly walked out as the bomb-like object went off and released a toxic gas. I looked over at Bella as we began to cough. "I'll save us.." I coughed out before passing out.

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