Chapter 4: The Dinner

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~Bella's POV~

I stared at my sister unsure if it was really her. I watched as she opened her arms up as if she was waiting for me. "Why are you just standing there idiot?" She said mockingly. I quickly ran to Maritza and held her as the tears started to uncontrollably come out. She picked me up and held me tightly as I cried. "It's okay, stop crying," She rubbed my back laughing softly. I buried my head in her neck unable to control my tears. Mari gently set me down and kneeled down so we'd be at eye level. "I don't know how we got here but we'll figure something out," She said softly but her eyes had a more intense look. I nodded, wiping my eyes, pulling myself together. "Eh hem," a voice behind her coughed out.

I peered over her and saw Ciel sitting at his desk. My face immediately turned red as I met his stiff gaze. Mari stood back up facing towards him. I kept my, analyzing him. The boy who I knew so well as an observer, a fan, was sitting right in front of me. I was too stunned to gather myself and speak, I turned a bit shy and slowly hid behind Mari. "H-Hello I'm Isabella Petrova," I muttered out from behind Mari, gripping her hand. "Bella, this is Ciel, the head of this manor. I apologize, she's a bit shy," Maritza said rubbing her thumb over my hand. "That's alright, I have a few questions for the both of you," Ciel said closing his eyes.

                                      ~Ciel's POV~
"First I'd like to ask what business do you have here in England?" I asked the eldest sister. I was certain they weren't assassins coming to kill me, they both truly did seemed lost but how did they manage to get on manor grounds without Sebastian or the others sensing them or whoever dropping them off. "We came to start a new life after our parents..." The eldest sister stated before becoming quiet, her hardened demeanor becoming more vulnerable. "What were your lives like in America?" I asked, peaking over to the younger one who continued to hide behind her sister. She seemed scared of me. "We were both working as maids, our previous master had to let us go due to money issues. We had saved enough money to come here and to started a new life," The eldest spoke. "Very well. Sebastian, show our guests to their room and give them proper attire. We will meet for dinner to discuss further arrangements," I waved them off and looked back down at the paperwork on my desk. "Yes my lord," Sebastian led them out. "Another Jack The Reaper killing.. so tedious."

                                    ~Bella's POV~
"This is the guest room, you will be sharing. I will come back momentarily with your clothing," Sebastian bowed before closing the door behind him. "Well what now?" I groaned before flopping onto the bed. Mari was a bit too quiet, I looked over at her and she seemed to be thinking about something. "Mari?" I said waving her down. "Sorry I'm thinking. What was that?" She said before taking a seat next to me on the bed. "Nothing nothing, what arc do you think we're in? I couldn't tell. I know it can't be anything too deep because Snake isn't here," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. My worry turned into excitement and curiosity. Getting to spend time with him and his hot butler would make any fan jealous. "We have other things to think about Bella, we need to figure out if we're even alive. I don't want to spend too long in whatever this is, I'm sure this is just a hallucination from the gas," Mari said coldly. I huffed out an annoyed sigh and sat up, leaning my back against the headboard. What a party pooper. "And if it's not?" I smirked teasingly at her. She looked over at me and smiled like Sebastian does when he's annoyed. "Then we could be dead Isabella," She said smiling through gritted teeth. I rolled my eyes at her ridiculous statement. I mean.. we could be dead and this is just our afterlife but that would be stupid. "Whatever this is we still have to be careful, okay? I'll figure something out. Don't go around spoiling things and changing things to your liking, I know how impulsive you are," Mari added on. I sighed realizing she wasn't as excited as I was. She should be though, she was the one who introduced me to Black Butler when we were younger. I'm guessing being an adult means being boring and dull. I looked over at Mari's concerned face, she was biting her lip and her eyes were darting side to side. Geez, she's really worried. I placed my hand on top of her head. "Stop worrying, we're safe right now. I'm sure we'll be fine! Besides, we should enjoy it anyways," I reassured her. She looked over at me with soft eyes and smiled at me. "You're right, thank you.." We heard a knock on our door. "Ladies, may I come in?" It was Sebastian

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