Chapter 5: Out of Kuroshitsuji

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~Bella's POV~

Everything went black, I felt like I was suffocating. I opened my eyes to find I was in that cage again. "A dream..?" I whispered faintly sitting up from the floor. I looked over to see Maritza still knocked out. "Finally awake?" a voice spoke from outside the cage. Startled, I shifted back. There were two men standing in front of me, both dressed in black with face masks on. "What do you want with us?" I urged trying to keep a brave face. "Don't ask us questions. You know exactly why you're here," one of the men kicked the cage causing it to shake. "I don't so just tell me! I think I have a right to know considering you killed my parents," I pleaded. The two men began to laugh ignoring my demands. "So what? You're just going to keep us here?!" My voice grew loud. The laughing stopped and they both looked at each other, one man nodded as if they were planning something. The other man opened the cage and grabbed me by my hair dragging me out. He threw me on the ground and kicked me in my stomach. "You fucking brat, didn't I tell you not to question us!" He smiled mercilessly. "Kicking a child who's tied up? You're pathetic," I winced out tears filling my eyes. The man picked me up by my hair again, this time off of the ground. I screamed out in pain, tears flowing down my cheeks. "You're no child, you're an abomination," he said to me before throwing me back in the cage. I hit my back against the wall pretty hard, I winced in pain as I sat up. Rage overcame me, the anger became uncontrollably consuming. "I WILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU" I yelled loudly. The two men scoffed and left the room. I looked over at Mari who was still passed out checking for marks on her body to see if they had hurt her. It seemed like she was untouched. "Ugh.." My body began to feel heavy again, it felt like I was going to pass out. I tried to shake the feeling but I gave in, passing back out.

                                 ~Maritza's POV~
"Bella??" I said watching my lifeless sister passed out in Sebastian's arms. "Did you poison her?" I glared over at Ciel. "No! Of course not!" Ciel shouted. My eyes fixated back on Bella, her skin becoming pale. "She's still breathing but.." Sebastian muttered, his eyes narrowed in confusion. "Bring her up to the room," Ciel ordered. We quickly made it up to the room and Sebastian placed her on the bed. Bella started to scream on the top of her lungs with her eyes closed.  My eyes widen, I began to shake her in hopes she'd wake up. "Wake up! You're dreaming!" I screamed pleading to reach her. Sebastian grabbed me and pulled me back from her as Bella screamed louder. The other servants ran in to check what was going on. "What's going on?? What's wrong with her Sebastian?" Ciel asked as horror washed over his face. "I'm not sure. She seems to be having a nightmare from passing out so suddenly," Sebastian said calmly as he analyzed Bella. Bella went back quiet but didn't wake up. She looked like she was in so much pain. "I'LL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU" she suddenly shouted, causing the whole room to stand still. I've never heard her yell like that... It started to click what was happening, she was back in our original universe. I stayed back from her, watching in horror as tears began to pour down her sleeping cheeks.

                                  ~Bella's POV~
My eyes slowly opened, I quickly sat up my blood running cold. My eyes darted from person to person in the room. In disbelief I looked down at my hands. "What..." my voice cracked. I was back in Black Butler but why? I don't care if this real or not, I can't be here. Unexpectedly someone's hands were placed on my shoulder, I quickly swatted them without thinking. I looked up at whose they were frightened, they were Mari's. "Are you okay...?" She asked concerned as she pulled her hand back. I nodded without speaking. The room was filled with confusion and worry, the air was thick. "May everyone besides my lord please leave the room so I can tend to miss Bella?" Sebastian cleared his throat. The servants left the room, Mari, of course stayed. "You were screaming after you fainted, what did you dream?" Mari asked, shaking off the terrified look she had on her face. I mustered up the courage to speak "I don't remember.. I apologize for scaring everyone. I often have nightmares sometimes. I think I passed out from the corset being so tight," I struggled to put out a fake laugh. I attempted to stand up but a sharp pain rushed through my back. I winced, placing my hand on my back. I guess it travels here.. that's inconvenient. "I'll get some ice for your back Miss Isabella," Sebastian bowed before leaving the room. I sat back down embarrassed at my outburst. "Make sure you don't tie her corset so tight next time," Ciel said to Maritza. He was so quiet, I forgot he was even in here. "Please get some rest both of you," Ciel suggested before also walking out.

"Tell me what happened," Mari insisted as soon as it was clear to speak. I avoided her gaze and biting my lip. "I.. I was back in the cage, you were sleep. They kicked me and threw me. They wouldn't tell me what they wanted with us, I'm sorry," I said in a soft voice. I tried to make sure I spoke of it like a dream just in case Sebastian was listening in. I pointed to my ear then did the devil horns with my fingers signaling we might be heard. "Coming back means.. this is as real as that," Mari spoke defeatedly. I nodded still avoiding her gaze. It was silent as we took time to take it all in. "I'm so glad you're okay," Mari finally spoke wrapping her arms around me. I froze for a moment before embracing her. The tears escaped my eyes as I held her tightly. She's always been my protector but this will be the last time she sees my cry. I have to be stronger for her. "May I come in?" Sebastian asked from outside the door.

Sebastian came in holding our nightgowns and ice in a bag. He placed the nightgowns on the bed then suddenly started to undress me. "WAIT WHAT?!" I was taken by surprise. Luckily he only undressed my backside "This is a horrible bruise, are you sure it came from the corset?" Sebastian questioned as he inspected my back before placing the ice on my back. I jumped at the cold touch. My face was completely, it was embarrassing. "Y-Yes I bruise easily," I stuttered. "Hm.. alright, you ladies get some rest. Tomorrow may be long," Sebastian smiled at us on his way out. We got undressed and put on the HIDEOUS nightgowns. "I wish we had more fashionable clothing.." I complained climbing into bed laying down next to my sister. "It'll be alright, just go to sleep," Maritza laughed as she cuddled close to me. Today was exhausting... I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

~Ciel's POV~
"I have a feeling they're going to stress me out," I muttered as Sebastian began to prep me for bed. I already have enough idiots around, taking in two more seems like a ridiculous decision but it can't be undone now. "I'd like to mention something Young Master...When Isabella had passed out, I couldn't sense her soul. It was as if she had died, I was sure she was dead. I didn't sense it while we were in the room either up until a moment before she woke up," Sebastian spoke folding my day clothes up. "So she resurrected?" I asked taking a seat on my bed. I watched as Sebastian hesitated. "I don't believe so but it's certainly weird. I'll look more into it and have answers in the morning," He spoke with closed eyes tucking me for the night. "Alright and keep the noise down tonight, I've had enough stresses for the night," I closed my eyes getting comfortable.

"Yes, My Lord."

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