Chapter 23: Good At What We Do

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- Maritza's Pov -
I gasped and looked around the room frantically to find that I'm back in the manor. I panted heavily attempting to relax my nerves from the sudden travel. "It wasn't so bad this time..." I breathed out, checking for bruises on my arm. There was a dark bruise, really noticeable. I grabbed some makeup and went to work on it.

After successfully covering the bruise, I looked into the mirror analyzing my face, grateful it wasn't touched. "I suppose I should look for the others," I stretched before walking out of the room. Now where were we...? How long was I out? My thoughts burdened my mind as I continued to walk through the empty halls, I didn't hear much commotion besides the rain outside the manor.

I stopped in my tracks, feeling someone trailing me. I turned around quickly and my eyes met Grey's. "You scared me Sir Grey," I cleared my throat and bowed to him. When I rose from my bow, I saw his face filled with discomfort. "You caught onto me following you rather quick, I'm impressed. We just caught a snake, we were bringing it back to the guest room," Grey sighed out as Sebastian's disguise Jeremy, Arthur, Tanaka and Ran Mao came up from behind him. Jeremy was holding a black snake, seeming to be one of Snake's. Sebastian looked stupid in that disguise, I almost laughed. I nodded and followed them to the guest room.

As we walked in, I saw Isabella and Anthony sitting together. Her face lit up as she saw me, she ran to me and hugged me tight. "It was a short trip," I ruffled her hair before we took a seat to watch the scene play out. Jeremy placed the snake into a container and placed it down. "I'm glad you're not dead," Ran Mao said monotonous and hugged Ciel tightly into her chest. "Put on some clothes!" Ciel cried out flustered and embarrassed.

"Ah, it's almost over, shall we go do something while it plays out?" Bella yawned leaning her body against me. I placed my hand on her head and ran my fingers through her hair, soothing her. "Yes but he's blaming the wrong person," Anthony narrowed his eyebrows speaking as the chaos began unfolding. I looked over at him, he looked as though he was getting ready to speak up against Ciel. "It doesn't matter, that's the queens secretary, there might be a reason. I would just leave it alone Viscount," Bella said quietly grabbing Anthony's hand. I nodded in agreement and he quickly quieted down.

- Isabella's Pov -
Following Day
Ciel got done scaring Author and running him off hours ago. We also finally got Snake added to the staff of the manor. "Hello again!" I smiled up at Snake, petting Keats. Snake looked down at me then looked away. "Goethe said thank you for letting him out, says Keets," Snake muttered out. I bowed then went my way to go find my sister in our room.

I walked in to find her sitting on the bed, reading a book. I smiled and jumped onto the bed, landing beside her. "I'm so freaking excited, you think Ciel will take us?" I asked referring to the Book of The Atlantic arc. "Aren't you scared of zombies...?" Maritza rolled her eyes not looking up from her book. I paused then thought for a second. "I forgot about that teeny tiny part, I was only thinking of Ronald... Matter of fact, let me sit this one out, it should only be you this time. Besides, I had to do the circus by myself, it's your turn," I laughed nervously trying to talk my way out of going.

"Oh absolutely not, we both will be attending. Maybe you'll see your boyfriend there," Mari said in a robotic tone. I huffed and whined rolling on the bed. "He's not my boyfriend, speaking of that... don't you think it's kind of weird he's the only non-canon person we see often?" I sighed, lying on my stomach. Before we could continue a sudden knock on the door interrupted us. Maritza called for them to come in, it was Sebastian. I looked over again Maritza with widen eyes for a moment, worried if he heard us. She seemed too calm as her gaze didn't even leave her book.

Oh my god, it could be so many things. What if he heard us, what if it was about our slight spoilers from the other night. "Yes Sebastian?" Maritza said looking up from her book closing it, she seemed rather annoyed. "I believe there are to be no secrets between us, yes?" Sebastian said closing the door behind him. I sat up and gulped, not saying anything. "Well yes, there are no secrets. So what do you need?" Maritza placed her book on the dresser and folded her arms. Oh god, they look like they're about to fight.

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