Chapter 8: Sleeper Agent

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~Maritza's Pov~
It's been a day since Druitt's party, tonight is the night everything changes for Ciel. Me and Bella have been prepping a plan to sneak out to watch, hopefully things go well. I'm a little worried Sebastian might catch us but I already came up with an excuse for it. Everything should go according to plan.

"I hate being a maid... I could've been anything else," I muttered as I dusted the books in Ciel's office. "And what would you have been?" A voice said behind me. I let out a small squeal before falling off the stepping stool, I landed in Sebastian's arms. I couldn't sense him come in... of course, he's a demon. I looked back at him and pulled myself off of him. "Well for starters, sneaking up on a lady is improper," I shot a deadly glare at him as I dusted my maids uniform off. "And two, quite literally anything. I'd rather be in the kitchen than clean all day..." I walked past him, picked up my duster and began dusting the books off again. He suddenly grabbed my wrist, causing me to drop the duster. He turned me around so I can face him and he grabbed my waist. "What. are. you. doing?" I spoke calmly, looking him in his eyes. He kind of looked like Hyunjin from Stray Kids, more attractive in person than the art style could ever portray. "You're not hiding anything, are you miss Petrova?" Sebastian said looking down at me, his grip on my waist tightening. I held my ground and pushed up against him, enjoying playing his little game. "Is this how you flirt Sebastian? I'm flattered but this is so direct... don't you think?" I leaned in whispering in his ear before pulling back looking at him with bedroom eyes. He narrowed his eyebrows at me and let me go. "I apologize for the confusion, I was simply wondering if you were the one sneaking into the kitchen at night, eating up the pastries," Sebastian cleared his throat awkwardly. "Oh dear! I'm so sorry for misunderstanding, it won't happen again," I laughed awkwardly, my face turning red as I bowed to him. "We shall keep this incident to ourselves, carry on with work," He said stiffly before exiting the room. I kept my act up till he was out of sight, my awkward demeanor quickly becoming rigged the moment he left the room. I let out a deep sigh, running my hands through my hair. "What a weird way of interrogating someone," I breathed out taking a seat on the floor.

After a long day of cleaning me and Bella met up in our room to prepare to follow Ciel and Sebastian. "If things get too much, we retreat, okay?" I tied Bella's hair up in a ponytail. I squatted down and began to cut her nightgown to knee length, matching mine. "Just in case we need to get out of there quick," I muttered tossing the piece of cloth in the trash. I began tying sheets together to make a rope. Bella managed to grab quite a few throughout the day since she was in charge of laundry today. I opened up the window and threw one side down, holding onto the other. Bella grabbed onto the sheet, making her way down without error. I couldn't just leave the sheets hanging from window, potentially putting the others at risk of having intruders in the home so I decided to just jump down. It hurt quite a bit but I'm kind of used to escaping from high places by now. I rolled up the sheet/rope and hid it in a bush. "Let's go!" I said taking Bella's hand running off.

We ran for a moment, finally catching up to Sebastian and Ciel. We stayed far from them, hiding behind the building next door. We seemed to be just in time, they were both waiting and well, Sebastian was playing with a black cat. "We should go on the roof..." Bella whispered tugging my dress. I nodded and we climbed our way to the top of the building, tired from all the running, I sat down on the floor to catch my breath. I looked over at Bella whose stamina was a lot stronger than mine. She peaked over the building, watching the show begin. I crawled over to watch as well. It seemed like Grell and Madam Red were finally revealing themselves. I watched as the Shinigami exposed herself, dressed in all red. Sebastian and Grell chatted amongst themselves curious about the fact that a Shinigami and a Demon were playing butler. Madam Red came from the shadows after Grell declared her love for her. I peeked over to my left to see Bella's face shaken at the sight. She always hated this episode, I never really understood her attachment to Madam Red but she's always been so emotional. Bella had the habit of feeling everything so deeply. My eyes averted back to the scene, we listened in as Ciel harshly explained how he suspected Madam Red and Grell as Jack the Ripper. "YOU'VE TAKEN EVERYTHING," Madam Red shouted as Grell's chainsaw revved up. My eyes widened watching Grell attempt to attack Ciel but of course, Sebastian jumped in to protect him. "We... we should step in now," Bella said looking over at me. I kept my gaze down at them, hesitating to speak. "Grell is the only shinigami capable of keeping up with Sebastian, we would just get in the way and get killed or worse," I muttered out. "Put an end to them, that is an order," I heard Ciel say. Sebastian and Grell began fighting, Grell came up behind Sebastian for a sneak attack but Sebastian at the last second saved himself. Too busy focused on Sebastian and his fight, I happened to miss Ciel being pinned up on the wall by Madam Red. Sebastian ran up on Madam Red suddenly being stopped by Ciel's order. "I'm going!" Bella stated directly jumping down from the roof, I reached out to grab her arm but I was too late. "BELLA NO!" I yelled out as she landed on Grell.

I gritted my teeth jumping down after her. I watched Ciel and Sebastian's shocked faces. "I need everyone to stop what they're doing, there has to be another way!" Bella shouted breathing heavily. Her eyes darted from person to person. "Oh it's you two, the intruders. It's not my job to handle you guys but.. since you're here," Grell grilled cockily before running up on Bella with the chainsaw. My heart sank watching her fearful face. Ciel and Sebastian's eyes widened. "Sebastian!" Ciel called out before Sebastian began running towards Bella in an attempt to protect her. I noticed he was going to be too late, I began to panic. I had no choice but to call out her trigger word. "SHADOW REVEAL," I called out unsure if it would even work in this universe. My sister's eyes turned dark and it felt like everything was in slow motion. Bella quickly flipped behind Grell, kicking him into the wall. The wall shattered. Sebastian jumped back from Bella watching her movements, he looked slightly confused and unsure what to do at this moment. She moved like a ragdoll, her speed was otherworldly. She jumped side to side as she ran up on Grell, gripping him by his head and pounding it into the floor. Grell was slow too slow for her. He freed himself and quickly jumped away from her, trying to get some distance between them. "What-What the hell," Grell spewed out angrily. "Eliminate target," Bella said in a monotone voice, running towards Grell. She made it in front of his face in less than a second, she jumped up and cocked her arm back. I blinked finally realizing that she was really trying to kill him. "Shadow fall!" I commanded. Bella's movements stopped and she collapsed on the floor unconscious. Grell tried to attack while she was down but Sebastian quickly handled him. I ran over to pick Bella up and pull her out of the way from the character in the story. I looked down at her, feeling guilty I had to activate her but I just wasn't fast enough. This isn't the first time she's been activated... The storyline continued and Grell ended up killing Madam Red for being unable to take out Ciel. I sat there and watched holding my unconscious sister's body in the rain. Grell began walking away but stopped at the sound of Ciel's voice. "I ordered you to kill Jack the Ripper, one is left. Stop standing there and kill him," Ciel ordered looking up from his dead aunt's body. "Yes my lord," Sebastian smirked before chasing after Grell to fight again.

Ciel looked over and began walking towards us. Oh great, he's going to have us killed. He sat down next to us and sighed out before speaking. "Why on earth did you follow us?" He asked, seemingly more worried than angry. "We thought we could help but I guess we were wrong, my apologies," I said as I played in my sleeping sister's hair. "I want you to know that Sebastian and I can handle ourselves, you'd only be getting in the way of harm. And as for her..? What is she? A demon?" Ciel asked curiously looking down at Bella's sleeping my face. I shook my head, kind of scared to speak but at this point, I'd be forced to tell the truth. "She's uh.. She's a sleeper agent. She's been one since she was five but I wasn't aware until a year ago.. I say a certain phrase and it activates her, it's only used in case of emergencies. It works like a split personality, she won't remember any of it and I would like if you kept this secret of hers, I'm not ready to tell her..." I said in a soft tone, for once telling the truth. I watched as Ciel looked over at Madam Red's body. "I'll keep your secret if you can keep ours," Ciel said referring to Sebastian being a demon. I smiled softly at him, it was like having a little brother. "Yes my lord," I ruffled his hair resulting in him shooting a deadly glare at me. "I'll be docking your pay for the week for not telling me about your secret agent life in America and you will be punished for sneaking out," Ciel said going back to his harsh attitude. I rolled my eyes at him. I was certain he was going to have us killed or put out but I guess not.

"My apologies, I've allowed the other one to escape," Sebastian came walking up to us. Ciel stood up and walked over to his aunts body. "Forget it, it's not important anymore," He stated. I stood up, placing Bella on my back and walked over towards them. "Let's go home," Ciel said in a low tone.

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