Chapter 22: Not The Only Snake

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  -Isabella's Pov-
It was morning time, everyone was already awake but me I suppose. I looked around and the room was empty. I got up and began making my way upstairs, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I started to hear cries and screams the closer I got to the room Siemens body was in. I hurried and made my way the room and saw Ciel on top of Sebastian's "dead" body crying and screaming for him to wake up. Everyone around him looked equally shocked and scared. "The butler got murdered, it wasn't Ciel... something strange is happening," Anthony walked up to me informing me what's going on. I looked past him and watched Ciel's performance of a breakdown. "We can rule out Ciel but how would we find out who it was? We were all asleep," Maritza mentioned to Anthony.

I walked away from Maritza and Anthony and found myself by Ciel's side. "It's alright Ciel," I said softly placing my hand on his shoulder. He looked back at me with horror in his eyes, his acting skills were so good. He gripped my dress and gritted his teeth. "It's not alright!" He cried out his pained eyes looking into mine. I couldn't do anything but stare as he turned back around gripping Sebastian's suit, he leaned over to embrace the fallen butler. I felt tears forming in my eyes. "Sebastian..." I cried out trying to make my act believable as well. Maritza walked over to hug me tightly. I heard her laugh under her breath and pinched her back. Mey-Rin eventually dragged Ciel off of Sebastian.

After everyone was calm, they began discussing how Sebastian might've been killed. Author, the writer, mentioned that he got hit from behind in the back of the head. "And when that didn't finish him off... they stabbed him in the chest to make sure the deed was done," Bard said muttered out. I looked over to see Grey's face full of discomfort and rolled my eyes. What is his deal anyways? God I won't be able to find out till it's too late.

I went into my room to change into my day clothes just in time for breakfast. We were seated at the table except Phelps. "Where's Phelps?" Maritza asked, the annoyance in her tone was very apparent. She began eating her food, knowing this breakfast moment was about to be cut short. I looked over at her, kicked her under the table and shot her a look. It was kind of funny how our roles are switched nowadays. "With what's been going on so far, we should go check his rooms!" Author stood up.  Everyone but Maritza and I got up and ran to go find him.

"I'm starving, I'm not going to go play murder mystery on an empty stomach," Maritza mumbled angrily eating her breakfast. I chuckled, joining her for one bite then stopping. "Since we're alone, I need to tell you something," I said aloud, watching as she placed her utensils on her plate giving me her annoyed older sister glare. I gulped before parting my lips to speak. "I think I hinted at Sebastian that I knew he was going to die last night half asleep," I said scratching the back of my head looking away. I heard my sister sigh then looked over to her to see her watching me with narrowed eyes. Maritza softened her look and let out a nervous cough. "I believe I also said something yesterday while I was in my drunken state to insinuate danger ahead, I carelessly asked if Sebastian could protect you now that I'm remembering," Mari said in a low tone as she continued to eat her breakfast. "We're getting too comfortable," I sighed out loud not touching my breakfast. "We should be more careful not to slip up, I'd rather not be blamed for any travesties we let past us," Maritza said standing up grabbing my arm taking me from my seat. "Come on, it's about time we go join everyone," she dragged me out of the dining room. We bumped into Anthony as we walked, for some reason he wasn't with the others.

"I was getting worried something happened, you weren't with us," Anthony grabbed my hands. I bowed apologetically. "I apologize, Mari and I needed to talk for a moment, I'm just a bit sadden from Sebastian's passing... Did something happen?" I asked innocently gazing into his eyes. Mari stood by glaring down at Anthony in her protective older sister mode. "Yes, Phelps got murdered but he had bites on his neck. It's strange, this whole situation is strange," Anthony muttered placing his finger on his chin. Maritza's grip loosened on my arm. I looked over seeing her go pale. Shit, not now!

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