Chapter 15: A Reaper Joined The Circus

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~Bella's Pov~
The following day, Sebastian woke Ciel and I up early to dress us in poor people's clothings and have us get into character, kind of annoying that I had to practice as well but it is what it is.

We rode together back to the Circus so we could audition. Sebastian introduced the both of us to the crowd, it was mixed with people who were auditioning and people who were already in the circus. "Woah! You both are really cute, they're both girls?" Joker said analyzing us. "No, I'm a boy. I've been in services as a pageboy at the manor for some time now, my name uh is Finnian," Ciel said nervously. "I am one of the maids, my name is... Victoria!" I smiled at everyone and waved. I didn't notice it before but some of the dialogue changed? It's probably because I'm here as well... Joker walked up to us and leaned down at Ciel to look at him closer. "A grand name for a boy like you! If you join, we'll give you a stage name but uh, are you really sure you're a boy?" Joker asked surprised to hear he was a boy. I glanced over at Sebastian having all the women all over him and him smiling enjoying the attention. IS THIS WHY MARI DIDN'T WANT TO COME?! "Well being adorable isn't enough to join the circus, you both gotta have talent too. What are you good at?" Joker smiled at us. I shifted my focus back on Joker. Knowing Ciel doesn't really know how to answer, I decided to answer first. I inhaled quietly. "I'm what you'd call an all rounder! Give me anything and I'm sure I'll impress you," I smiled making a heart with my hands. I heard squeals come from the crowd. "A charming one isn't she? She might be an exciting one" Joker praised me. "I suppose I'm good at Darts," Ciel said. "Knife throwing is closest, Dagger give them both some knives!" Joker called out. Dagger walked over and handed Ciel and I a bunch of knives. Joker pointed over at the target and asked Ciel to throw them. The target was ridiculously far and all eyes were on Ciel at this point. Ciel cocked his arm back and threw the knife horribly but thanks to Sebastian throwing a pebble at it, successfully made it on the target. Everyone grew impressed and interested. I clapped as Ciel landed the rest of the knives on the target. "Isn't he marvelous! I suppose it's my turn," I smiled getting ready to throw mine. I cocked my arm back and threw the first one right in the center. I heard an ooo from the crowd. I threw the rest directly on top of the each other, dead in the center. "SHE'S INCREDIBLE!" A voice from the crowd said. I waved and smiled at everyone. I looked over at Ciel who looked a bit competitive right now. Joker announced that there's more rounds.

The next round was tightroping. I offered to go first seeing Ciel a bit nervous. I climbed up top and looked down, we were... really high up. Doll came up behind me and tied the rope around my waist rather tight. "Thank you," I turned to look at her, she was beautiful. She nodded quietly and released me. "Ready?" Joker yelled up at me. "Yes!" I yelled back with a smile. I began walking, my back straight and my head high. I placed my hands on my hips, showing off a bit as I made it half way through. I felt my foot slip a bit, I saw my life flash before my eyes for a moment but the gymnast in me quickly covered it with an aerial. I heard gasps come from Doll and everyone behind me. I stopped walking right after the aerial to catch my balance. I placed my hands up and posed cutely before finishing the walk. Everyone cheered, I giggled to myself knowing I was in for sure. I quickly untied the rope and made my way down. "Extremely impressive," Sebastian praised as Ciel made his way up there. "I panicked, I almost fell," I said to him quietly. "Even I couldn't tell you panicked, I didn't know you were this talented Victoria," Sebastian smiled down at me. "Who the hell is- OH!" I said covering my mouth. He sighed disappointed at my slowness. I waved him off and looked up at Ciel who began his walk. "Might as well get those pebbles ready," I muttered to Sebastian, watching Ciel struggle. "Already prepared m'lady" Sebastian gave out a stiff laugh. Ciel nearly slipped and Sebastian started spam hitting him with the pebbles until he made it across. I covered my mouth, concealing my giggles. Ciel came down rubbing his back annoyed. Joker and Dagger walked up praising him. "He hasn't made it yet, there's one more test for him specifically, the most important test," Joker announced, "You need to give me a big smile!" A laugh escaped my mouth and I quickly covered it by coughing and clearing my throat. Sebastian turned his back, covering his mouth laughing quietly to himself. I wouldn't dare turn around, I need to see Ciel SUFFER. I watched, my grin becoming mischievous as Joker keeps pleading with him to smile. Ciel gritted his teeth and balled his fist before giving the cutest smile I've ever seen him give. My jaw dropped. I looked away quickly hiding my flushed cheeks. HIS AEYGO IS BETTER THAN MINE!

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