Chapter 6: Be Careful of Vipers

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                                  ~Maritza POV~
The sun peaked through the shades early morning the following day. I groaned as I sat up in the bed, my young sister still in her deep sleep. My long black hair drooped over my shoulders as I stood up and walked out of the room. I walked around the manor, rubbing my eyes still half sleep when suddenly I bumped into a tall figure. I opened my eyes and muttered out a quiet apology. The figure turned around, it turned out to be Sebastian. "Ah, Lady Maritza. Good morning, I was on my way to tell the other servants that young master and I will be stepping out for a while," He bowed graciously keeping his usual smile on his face. "May I accompany you? I think it's best if I get familiar with the area," I tilted my head looking up at him. He looked down at me and for a moment I felt his dark aura show but was gone as quickly as it came. "Hm.. I'd have to check with young master but it shouldn't be a problem, go get dressed quickly. I've given you plenty of outfits in the closet," Sebastian said before turning back around heading his way. I walked back to the room and into the closet, it was filled with beautiful dresses and maid outfits. I quickly got dressed and left my hair down instead of putting it up. I walked over to the bed and kissed Bella's forehead, "I'll be back," I whispered before exiting the room.

I watched Sebastian and Ciel talk amongst themselves, mentioning how Ciel hasn't gone out in a while and how he hates crowded places. I realized what arc we were in and sighed out loud, right at the beginning.. of course missing the first two short introduction mini arcs but still. I wish we came a bit later when everything was established, I'd have to watch this poor kid go through so much. "Is something wrong Miss Petrova?" Sebastian asked after I had sighed. I shook my head no and looked out the window, still in deep thought. "Why aren't you wearing your hair up?" Ciel asked barely looking at me. "Hm? I love it down, I feel like it looks better this way," I said slightly confused. I never really paid attention to history, I probably should have because I truly didn't know what was wrong with having it down. "Only prostitutes and children wear their hair down in public. I'm not sure how it is in America but you must get used to England's customs," Ciel stated coldly. "Yes my lord," my eyebrow twitched. I began to put my hair up, leaving some hair down in the front, stubbornly in my modern ways. "Much better," Sebastian said with a smirk on his face. I should've stayed home...

We arrived at a different manor. I trailed behind the butler and the earl. "... Isn't it much more peaceful without those four by your side," Sebastian had said mockingly as we walked inside. We quickly made it upstairs into a room that looked like a study. There it was, Madam Red, Grell Sutcliff, and Lau tearing up the room searching for something. My eyes widened completely at a loss for words. I kept my excitement on meeting Lau and Grell, I couldn't care less for Madam Red, Bella on the other hand, would've been happy to see her.

"..WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Ciel shouted childishly, deeply annoyed. I giggled quietly to myself watching him act his age. "How could I have not visited my cute little nephew while I'm here?" Madam Red said. I got distracted watching Grell staring at me, his eyes not leaving me once. It was kinda weird and unsettling. I looked away from her. I noticed Sebastian walked out, he must've already been on his way to get everyone tea. "And who is this beautiful woman you brought with you?" Madam Red said excitedly grabbing my hands. "A new maid from America, brought her so she can get accustomed to England," Ciel said bluntly before taking his seat. "Hello, my name is Maritza Petrova, pleasure to be acquainted with you," I bowed. After a quick introduction to everyone in the room. I stood by Ciel's chair. Sebastian walked back in and served everyone tea, of course, resulting in Madam Red assaulting his behind. "Grell, you should follow in his example!" the red woman said coldly. Grell muttered out a small pitiful yes. "Let's talk seriously now.." Ciel said attempting to lead the conversation.

Ciel, Madam Red and Lau conversed amongst each other, talking about the Jack The Ripper case. My eyes stayed on Madam Red the entire time, analyzing her acting skills. She was good, a tragic she has to be killed later in this arc but it can't be helped. I looked over at Grell who was already staring at me. Shit... stop being so obvious. He looked away from me quickly getting back into character. "I know there has to be at least one person that's been to the crime scene..." Ciel sighed. I guess I missed a bit focusing on Grell we'd be leaving into town now.

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