Chapter 11: Something So Trivial

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                                     ~Bella's Pov~
I woke up a bit late today, Ciel let Mari and I sleep in due to last nights endeavors. I looked over at Mari who was still asleep, I got up and left the room to go find the others. I walked the halls, mesmerized at how real this world looked. My anxiety has been peaking since I woke up, from Ciel seeing the burn marks and us finally telling them about our real lives. I know they're going to have a lot of questions for us soon, I'm excited to tell them about our world. I wish we could've told them about what they were in our reality and all the spoilers ahead... I'd love to save some of the heartbreak ahead but changing someone's fate like that can have horrible repercussions. I walked aimlessly for a while in my deep thought. My back was still aching, I wasn't able to walk properly but I still did my best to hide it.

I heard swords clashing behind a door that was somewhat opened. I peaked in to see Ciel, Sebastian, Lau Prince Soma and Agni altogether. Sebastian and Agni were fencing while Ciel and Prince Soma watched. I kept behind the door, watching them battle it out until both their swords broke. Ciel seemed confused as to why a human such as Agni could keep up with a demon like Sebastian. I giggled quietly to myself. "Oh! Come in!" Prince Soma pointed at door, I jumped back and began walking away from the door. I wanted to watch without being seen, I couldn't bring myself to face everyone. Prince Soma caught me and dragged me inside. He hugged me, resulting me to wince in pain. "Ow! Ow! Please let go," I whimpered out. He quickly let go and looked down at me with worry in his eyes. "Are you hurt?" Prince Soma asked analyzing me for marks. I looked over to Ciel for permission to answer. He gave me a slight nod. "I fell yesterday onto a candle and burned my back, I'm a bit clumsy," I smiled up at him. Prince Soma looked over at Agni, "Please get some oils for Miss Isabella! A women's skin should be protected," Prince Soma announced. Agni bowed and ran out the room. I looked over at Ciel and Sebastian for a moment then quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact. Prince Soma grabbed Ciel. "Let's go out now!" He said happily while Ciel attempted to push him off. "I told you I'm busy today!" Ciel yelled aggravated with Prince Soma's kindness. Soon Agni came back with the oils. "These are cooling and healing oils. Show me where they are and I'll put it on," Agni said walking over to me. I looked up at him with big eyes, nearly tearing up. He was always so kind. "Okay-.." I began before getting cut off by Ciel snatching the oils from Agni. "I'll do it, she's my problem," Ciel said coldly before taking my arm leading me to another room. I could've sworn I heard Sebastian laugh while we walked out.

"I didn't mind him doing it," I muttered out annoyed that he took me away from one of my favorite characters. "Shut up, you're my responsibility, not that idiots," Ciel said unbuttoning the back of my nightgown. I felt my face flush and I held the top of the dress to keep my chest covered. "Wouldn't it be better if I don't know, Sebastian, your butler, does this?" I said completely flustered. I felt Ciel's fingertips massage the oil on my burn marks gently. "I needed a break from Prince Soma, don't think too deeply into it," He muttered out buttoning my dress back up. I turned around and bowed to him. He shoved the oils in his pocket. "Go get dressed, walking around in your nightgown is unlady like," Ciel said coldly before walking out. I stood there completely dumbfounded.

Hours went by of Prince Soma torturing Ciel and Maritza was still asleep. I kept checking on her to see if she was dead or back in our universe, but she's gotten a really bad fever. I felt bad, Prince Soma gave us some medicine for her to take. She's been taking it in-between her waking up to go to the restroom and being force fed by Sebastian. I was instructed to stay out of Mari's room so I wouldn't spread her illness. In the meantime I got to help the servants cook dinner, it was so much fun. Agni got to open up his backstory, how he's hurt so many people and how Prince Soma saved him and allowed him to be anew. I couldn't help but cry. He was such a good person. Everyone looked at me like I'm crazy but Agni patted my head and told me everyone deserves to be given second chances.

It was time for dinner, for some reason Ciel often allows Mari and I to sit at the dinner table with him, I found it odd but I never questioned it. Tonight I sat with them as well. Lau made a comment about it but Ciel dismissed him, mentioning how he's an Earl and he can do whatever he wants. "How long do you intend to stay here?" Ciel asked. Lau smirked and mentioned how Prince Soma was looking for someone. "And you, how long are you intending to stay?" Ciel shot a childish glare at Lau. "I am searching for a woman, this is her," Prince Soma pulled out a poor drawing of an Indian lady. I looked at him with a soft look in my eyes as I ate the delicious food we all prepared. "Well Sebastian, do you think you can find her Sebastian?" Ciel said squinting at the drawing. Sebastian walked over to Prince Soma and bent down staring at the drawing. "Even I can't do much with that but I'll try," The butler said gently. "So tell me what is this Mina doing here?" Ciel asked taking a bite of his food. Prince Soma went on to explain how he's known her his entire life and how she took care of him. How he was lonely due to his parents neglect but Mina stayed by his side. He explained that a British nobleman kidnapped her and took her away from him. "So in other words, you plan on bringing this woman back to India with you?" Ciel asked. "Yes! I will stop at nothing," Prince Soma exclaimed proudly. Ciel's demeanor turned cold. "Seems like a lot of fuss to make over a servant," He said nonchalantly. My eyebrows narrowed slightly, showing a bit of disgust in Ciel's choice of words. Weird of him to say after taking care of Mari and I.. Prince Soma stood up, clearly offended by Ciel. He walked over and grabbed the young earls shoulders and stared him in his eyes. I gasped a bit, covering my mouth. "You cannot comprehend my despair of being separated from her. You do not understand-..." Prince Soma snapped before getting cut off by Ciel. "No I don't. Something as trivial as that causes you great despair? You're right, I don't understand it and I don't care to," Ciel's eyes flashed and he slapped Prince Soma's hands away leaving the prince dumbfounded. "There are some things you can never get back, no matter how hard you struggle. But maybe you're too young to understand that Prince Soma," Ciel articulated before walking out. I looked over at Lau who seemed to be silent for the whole dinner, I covered my mouth trying not to laugh at the awkwardness of this conversation.

After dinner, I hung out with Lau in the main room while Ciel went to go play cards with Prince Soma. I giggled quietly to myself knowing he was going to get rejected by the prince. After a while Lau and I went to go bother Ciel. Lau and I began playing cards and I sat down happily humming to myself. "Why aren't you in bed?" Ciel said irked by my presence. "I'm not tired," I puffed out my cheeks and crossed my arms. God he's so bipolar. Lau went onto say that he was suspicious of them. Ciel defended them however, basically implying it doesn't make sense for them to do any crimes. "They're innocent in my eyes!" I chimed in giddy clapping my hands. Ciel rolled his eyes at me. Sebastian came out of nowhere hanging upside down from the window. "Master, he has made his move," Sebastian said hanging like a bat. "Good, let's follow him," Ciel stood up, placing the cards on the table. Prince Soma came in. "Let me come too, I know Agni has been sneaking out after I fall asleep. I want to know what he has been up to. That is my right," The Prince proclaimed. "I'm coming to and I'm not taking no for answer!" I said jumping up. "Absolutely not," Everyone in the room said in unison. "You need to go to bed and besides, you're injured. Go. To. Bed." Ciel said angrily before walking out having everyone follow him. I sat back down and crossed my arms. "Ooo!! He's so lucky I'm too lazy to sneak out and follow him!" I groaned.

I decided to stay up until they returned stubbornly fighting off sleep. I marched back and forth, my anger with Ciel being my motivation. They finally came back and I waited in the room where they'd sit down and discuss. "Didn't I tell you to go to bed?" Ciel said rubbing his temples before sitting down. "You're not the boss of me," I said my crankiness hitting me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes resulting in Lau spewing out an "awww". I shot a glare at him before Sebastian picked me up. "Come now, you must rest," He said carrying me out of the room. Sebastian took me into a different room from Maritza and laid me in the bed. "Don't trouble yourself and young master, we have a long day tomorrow," Sebastian said as his aura l grew dark. I let out a small squeal and nodded before drifting to sleep.

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