Chapter 9: The Spinning Song

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~Bella's Pov~
It's the day after the funeral for Madam Red, I'm still shaken up about everything that happened and Ciel's birthday was today ! I had blacked out in the middle of it which is weird, the last thing I remember was Grell charging at me and then suddenly I was asleep in my bed. At least I'm alive. Never mind about me, Ciel has been harsher than usual. He's in mourning so I could understand his attitude, I want to do something for him! Sebastian said there's going to be a gathering for Ciel's birthday today so we've been preparing all day. I don't remember this in the manga or the anime, maybe it's unrecorded filler since this universe is real. I supposed we can't just be doing nothing between arcs.

I was in the dining room wiping the table down tirelessly. I spent all morning cleaning up after Mey-Rin's disastrous cleaning attempts. I started to hum this melody my mother use to sing to me when I was younger, it was called the Spinning Song. Whenever I'd have nightmares, she'd come into my room and sing the melody to me until I slept. " la-ye... al-a-re la-yo.." I sang softly to myself. I stopped singing and my face lit up as an idea came to me. "SEBASTIAN!" I called out excitedly. Sebastian came rather quick. "May I perform a song at that gathering later? Pretty please! I wish to cheer Ciel- I mean, young master up," I pleaded clasping my hands together as I looked up at him with puppy eyes. Sebastian put his curled index finger on his chin as he thought for a moment. "I don't see why not. I'll let it a surprise for my lord," Sebastian said with a devious grin. He must've thought my performance would piss Ciel off, HE'S USING ME TO ANNOY HIM. My eye twitch and I bowed dismissing Sebastian. Tsk, my performance will be amazing. I quickly got done cleaning the dining room and made my way to Maritza.

I found her in our room getting ready for the party, she had on this garden green dress with lace. "I need you to play the piano. Sebastian is allowing me to perform for the gathering tonight," I said closing the door. I began undressing from my uniform as well to put on this beautiful purple dress. "What song?" Mari asked as she fixed her makeup in the mirror. "I was thinking the song mom used to sing to us when we were little, The Spinning Song," I muttered out fixing up my hair. Mari turned to me with a soft smile and began doing my makeup for me. "You look like mom," She said in a soft tone finishing up. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her gently. So much has been happening, I often forget our parents are gone. I looked in the mirror, I left my hair down. while Mari had her up in a beautiful style. "I'll go force Sebastian to play the shamisen for you so your performance is more impactful," Maritza planted a kiss on my head before walking out.

A couple hours had passed and the party was beginning. From what Sebastian announced to me and the other servants, Lau, Ran-Mao, Undertaker, Lizzie and her family should be in attendance. There was a lot of people on that list I didn't recognize, must be filler characters. Mari and I stayed in our rooms while everyone was getting here, she was helping me practice for my performance. We could hear music and laughter in the main hall from our room. "Ready?" Mari said taking my hand. I nodded and walked next to her, copying her movements. I stood with my chin high and great posture. We made it to the staircase and everyone's attention was on us. I made eye contact with Ciel who seemed to be sitting in his Lords chair. Lizzy was there clinging onto him. I gulped making it down the stairs gracefully next to Mari. We looked at everyone then bowed to the attendees. I quickly made my way over to the refreshments in an attempt to lessen the attention on us. "Somehow this is more nerve wracking than Druitt's party," I sighed out taking a bite of a cookie. "And why is that?" a voice next to me spoke out. I looked over and saw it was the boy from the party. I nearly choked on my cookie. "Oh! It's you," I said as my face flushed. He took my free hand, bowed and placed a kiss upon it. "It's lovely seeing you again Lady Isabella," He said in a soft tone not breaking eye contact with me. "I realized I never got your name, what was it if you don't mind me asking?" I inquired slowly taking my hand back, I took out my fan and began to fan my face as it suddenly got hot. "Anthony. Anthony Cartier," The boy spoke.

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