Chapter 19: Book of Murder

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                                    -Maritza's Pov-
It's been a few days since they've returned from the circus. It was early morning and I was down in the kitchen with Mey-Rin and Bard looking out the window noting how gloomy today was. "It's always so gloomy eh?" Bard said peeling potatoes. "I suppose so," I muttered before shooting a look at the door sensing two people coming in. "Get back," I grabbed Bard pulling him back against the wall. The door suddenly shattered and two men with white hair, dressed in very formal uniforms stood there. The queens secretarial butlers, Charles Grey and Phipps, it's starting now? "Is Earl Phantomhive home?" Grey said. Bard and Mey-Rin quickly put their guards up while I just sighed at the freaking mess we have to clean later. "Who the hell are you?" Bard sneered. Grey drew his sword and pointed it at us, "You three going to entertain me?"

Grey charged at us and Mey-Rin threw the pot of stew at him, Grey swatted it away with his sword. Bard and I jumped over to avoid getting hit. Mey-Rin drew out her guns and began shooting at Grey. "Duel-wielding pistols, that's so cool!" Grey said dodging the bullets. He grabbed a pot to use as a shield then ran up on Mey-Rin and sliced her gun in half. Right when he was about to strike Mey-Rin, Bard went up behind him with a knife but Grey sensed it and kicked off of Mey-Rin to dodge causing her to fall. I walked over to Phipps and stood next him watching as my annoyance grew along with the mess. "I have to clean all this up, you know. Cut it out!" I said aloud, Phipps looked over at me but didn't say anything. Right when Grey attempted to strike Bard, Sebastian came and saved him carrying a a tray of cream puffs and offered Grey to try one, which he did. I looked over at Phipps who helped Mey-Rin up. "Oi Sebastian, who the hell are these people?" Bard asked. "My name is Charles Grey," Grey said with a smirk on his face. "And I'm Charles Phipps," Phipps finally spoke. "Together we are Double Charles. Her Majesty's secretarial officers and butlers," Grey finished off.

   -Bella's Pov-
I was upstairs playing cards with Ciel when two men with white hair walked in alongside Sebastian. IT'S THE DOUBLE CHARLES DUDES, AHH THEY'RE SO... pale. "May you give us a moment Lady Isabella?" Sebastian asked. I pouted wanting to be apart of the conversation but I understood, I stood up to leave but Ciel grabbed my arm and sat me back down. "She shall stay," He said without even looking over at Sebastian or me. I began to sweat nervously as Sebastian shot a confused look at Ciel before pouring everyone some tea. Phipp handed Ciel an envelope and explained that there is to be a banquet at the manor. "We'd like you to entertain Lord Georg von Siemens. He's a German personage, distantly related to her Majesty and he's expressed interest in British industry and private enterprise. We thought you'd be able to call the right kind of guests," Phipp explained. I looked at Grey as he was staring dead at me and I narrowed my eyebrows at him showing signs of discomfort so he'd stop. He gave me a deadly smirk. I shivered, instantly regretting my choice to do that. Oh.. I'm totally going to die during this arc. "Even so, I don't think your guest would be comfortable being entertained by a stranger. Wouldn't Her Majesty rather entertain him herself?" Ciel said placing the envelope on the table.

"Are you sure you wanna say that? The Queen has suspicions about the report you gave on the previous serial kidnapping case. Her Majesty wonders if something was omitted from that report and she doubts your sincerity. Isn't this order a chance to recover your image?" Grey explained while sipping his tea. I watched as Ciel looked over at Sebastian for a moment then back at Grey and Phipp.

"Understood. I accept," Ciel said picking up the envelope from the table. "I'll be participating as overseer so I hope you don't mind," Grey added on with a smug look on his face. Ciel nodded in agreement. "Well now, we'll be on our way. No need to show us out," the two white headed men stood up and took their leave. I exhaled deeply finally able to relax. "Sebastian, find out everything you can about Siemens, no matter how trivial," Ciel ordered walking over to window to watch them leave.

"I would like to not be apart of this and to be excused from participating in this particular uh.. banquet!" I rose my hand with a huge smile, fearing for my life. "And why is that? I thought you loved gatherings," Ciel inquired looking over at me from the window. "Well I just uh.." I started before stopping abruptly to look at Sebastian then back at Ciel. I can run out right now and avoid it. I stood up and made a run for the door before unfortunately getting caught by Sebastian. He lifted me up underneath my arms and dropped me in front of Ciel. "Fine! Fine! I just don't think it'd be wise for a clutz like me to attend this one you know? Since he's so important and stuff!" I explained poorly. "You and your sister will be attending, that is final," Ciel narrowed his eyebrows suspiciously at me. "You don't make the other servants do these things, that's not fair!" I whined throwing my body back, laying on the floor. Ciel and Sebastian shot a disgusted glare at me. "Get up! And that's because you both need to be watched by me anyway, you both were the ones to make yourselves known to be more than simply my maids, always bothering me to go out into town... be quiet and go help Sebastian send invitations off," Ciel said coldly waving his hand at us. I stood up, fixed my dress and walked over to Sebastian who was over by the door. I turned back around to Ciel who was staring at me and stuck my tongue out at him before walking out. "Hey!" I heard him yell through the closed door.

"Taking a liking to my young lord Lady Isabella?" Sebastian asked as we began making our way to Ciel's office. My cheeks instantly turned red and I looked up at him. "No! Why on earth would you think something like that? He's rude and intolerable," I said crossing my arms. Sebastian let out a stiff laugh as we entered the office.

Sebastian basically wrote out all the invitations while I bothered him with a bunch of questions and mindless chatter. "May we write one to Lord Anthony? I'd love to see him!" I asked giving Sebastian puppy dog eyes. "No," Sebastian said immediately. "I'm going to tell Ciel about the cats you have hidden in your closet," I gave him a big smile before skipping my way to the door. Sebastian quickly went in front of it and looked down at me irritated. "Do you intend on making me upset Lady Isabella?" Sebastian asked. I smiled up at him and nodded. "Please let him attend, his family would very valuable to the banquet. If he comes, I'll be good and do extra chores for a week," I pleaded whining as I clasped my hands together. Sebastian rose an eyebrow then let out a deep sigh, "Fine Lady Isabella, please go run along somewhere, you're distracting me from my work," I giggled and walked out. Oh this is going to be so much fun.

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