Chapter 2: Welcome To The Phantomhive Manor

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                                    ~Bella's POV~
My parents often left me in the dark for my own protection. I was the baby of the family so I understood, most families weren't like ours. I always knew we were different but I never knew why. I followed in my sister's footsteps, we told each other everything. There was no secrets between us so why—

"Miss are you okay??" I turned over, annoyed at being woken up from my sleep. I kept my eyes shut, groaned and waved my arm at whoever was speaking. "Go away Mari.. five more minutes," I whined, smiling in my half slumped state. "Miss..?" The voice said before shaking me. That voice wasn't Maritza's, I instantly shot up. Out of instinct, I grabbed his wrist and flipped him on his stomach with my knee on his back. I observed the man, I couldn't see his face due to the straw hat he had on but he looked like a poor farmer. I quickly got off of him and placed my hands over my mouth, "I'm- I'm so sorry! You startled me!" I said helping him up and began brushing him off. He didn't seem startled at all. "It's quite alright miss! I'm glad you're not an intruder! Young Master has had so many visitors lately!" The young boy laughed. Confused by his accent, I looked at him more carefully. My eyes widened as I realized. "I must be dead," I said bluntly before bursting into a laughing fit. Finny from Black Butler was standing in front of me, of course! I'm dead and I've gone to Heaven. My mind began racing, remembering all that had happened, my family and the situation I was in. I looked back up at Finny and started cry-laughing hysterically. "Miss please calm down! I can assure you're not dead! Oh dear uhh.. What do I do?!" Finny panicked as he tried to console me. I jumped at his touch and moved back till I hit the tree I was under. "Oi! What's going on?" A distant voice called out. I looked over and saw Bard, Mey-Rin and Sebastian running up. Next thing I knew, I was surrounded by all the servants.

As soon as I saw Sebastian, the tears stopped and fear washed over my body. I took the time to analyzed my favorite anime/manga characters. They didn't look like they came to kill me. I don't know if this is a dream or not but I should still be careful till I know what's going on.. "I don't know what happened! I was checking on her and she suddenly started crying and saying she was dead," Finny explained to the others in his usual panic voice. "That's quite strange, the other one said the same thing.." Sebastian said as he gazed down at me, holding his chin pondering something. "Other one..? Is my sister here too?" I finally spoke. The three servants looked at each other while Sebastian kept his gaze on me. The butler then smiled and bowed to me, "I believe so, will you follow me to my Master's office?" My eyes lit up and I nodded.

We began making our way towards the manor. I looked around at how the world looked, the flowers, the sky, everything was beautiful. Not paying attention to where I was going, I had bumped into Sebastian once we reached the front of doors of the manor. "Ah! Sorry sorry! I was just looking around," I bowed at him. He looked back at me and smiled before opening the doors to the manor. "It's quite alright, welcome to the Phantomhive Manor."

I gasped at how big it was, the manor was so much prettier in person. My mood shifted and I became a bit more relaxed. As worried as I should be, this is a dream come true. We began walking upstairs. "Miss if you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing such inappropriate clothes?" Sebastian finally asked. I looked down at my outfit confused. I was wearing a pink skirt, white knee highs, black flats and a pink and white long sleeve. "I woke up like this..?" I said unassured. "Ladies should dress appropriately at all times, unless you are a prostitute?" He scolded harshly. I puffed out my cheeks and crossed my arms at his cruel words. "Who says that to a child!? I'm not a prostitute.." I protested. I thought I was dressed appropriately for a young girl my age but I guess it's the era. We finally made it to Ciel's office, Sebastian opened the door. Mari was right there standing in front of the desk, she turned and our eyes met. "Bella..?"

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