Chapter 13: The Gift of Laughter

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~Bella's Pov~
It's been a while since the Curry Competition. Quietly going through the days doing our chores, waiting for the Queens Letter to Ciel. It was just before sunrise, me and Mari were training together, we decided to start again after the curry arc.

"Again." Maritza's cold tone pierced through my ears. I panted and nodded again putting my fist up. She's gotten a bit more aggressive with training lately, I think she's worriede, the enemies progressively get harder to fight as time goes on. We began to spar, she was a hard hitter but I was faster than her. My dodging was nearly perfect, I began to punch back once I found an opening. "Don't lose sight of your target Bella," Mari said coldly before landing a good punch on me, I stumbled onto the ground. I sat up rubbing my cheek. "God, you don't have to go so hard..." I snapped at her as I stood up shaking off the blow. "There's a chance that only one of us can go this time, I need to trust that you can handle yourself," My sister said cracking her smile knuckles. "I don't see why we both can't come," I complained putting my fist up again starting the spar catching her off guard. We began to fight. "It just won't happen that way, they can't be troubled with two of us while dealing with their own mission. Together, we would be a liability due to our unpredictable condition," Mari said in-between punches. I jumped back and charged at her landing a good punch in her stomach. It made her fall back. "Ahh well, you missed out last time. It should be you to go with them," I said reaching my hand out to help her up, she took my hand and stood up. "No, I'll stay back. This is a test for you just in case something happens in the future," Mari kneeled down brushing my hair out of my face. I scrunched my eyebrows and slapped her hand away. "What do you mean? Don't say stupid shit like that," I questioned angrily. It felt as if was worried something was going to happen to her or worse, she was hiding something from me. "Isabella, language... You're not a kid anymore, you need to think more realistically, that's all. Nothing's going to happen to me but we have to be cautious and strong," Mari said standing up, planting a kiss on my head. I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded. She had a point but still, I wouldn't want to speak things into existence.

~Mari's Pov~
We left the room and went our separate ways to go bathe before dinner. I walked into the bathroom to see Sebastian in there as if he was waiting for me. I looked at him with a blank expression and walked past him to turn on the bath water. "Get out," I said quietly as I turned to him. "I'd like to inform you, young master and I will be traveling to London and I'd like you and Tanaka to be in charge," Sebastian smirked at me. "I guess, can you bring Isabella with you? She's never been to a circus," I smiled up at him, my modern tone sneaking out. His smile faded. "I never mentioned a circus," Sebastian said coldly. My eyebrow twitched at my mistake. "I heard you and Ciel talking about it earlier and how he doesn't care for them, I hope he enjoys it, a kid his age regardless of his position should enjoy the circus," I saved myself quickly. Thank GOD I know my characters. He refrained from saying anything but opened his mouth to speak. I quickly cut him off with a smile. "So shall I pack her bags?" I tilted my head beginning to undress the top of my dress innocently as the bath was finally ready. Sebastian averted his eyes. "I suppose so, please make sure the manor is protected while we are gone, if you need anything Tanaka is here," Sebastian mentioned before walking out. I let out a stiff laugh before stepping into my bath.

After my bath, I began packing Isabella's bag, OF COURSE, leaving the maid outfits behind. Bella walked in as I was packing. "It starts tonight, okay? Behave yourself and don't fuck with fate Isabella," I said, making sure that last part was more stern. "Okay..." Bella said sorrow washing over her face. I closed her suitcase and walked over to hug her. "Shh, don't worry, I'll be here. Go have fun!" I laughed out planting a kiss on her head. She looked up at me and nodded with a small smile.

~Bella's Pov~
"And why is the annoying one with us again Sebastian?" Ciel said with closed eyes extremely annoyed. The three of us were riding into London so early in the morning. "WELL, IT'S NOT LIKE I BEGGED TO BE HERE," I shot a mean glare at him and crossed my arms. "I don't exactly remember how I agreed to it but it can't be undone," Sebastian said stiffly matching Ciel's annoyed attitude. "Whatever!" I said as tears began to fill my eyes. They could be so mean, I miss Mari. As soon as my tears started I got a mean flick on my forehead. "What did I tell you about crying?" Ciel said harshly. I wiped my eyes and looked out the window of the carriage. "We have a few errands to run before we make it to the circus," Sebastian said going through paperwork. "Would you like to inform me what we are doing at a circus?" I asked kicking my feet as they hung from the ground. "Dealing with a missing children's case, this should be quick," Ciel announced. "Is it ever quick?" I muttered out.

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