Chapter 21: The Guest Have Arrived

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                                   -Isabella's Pov-
Our guests have arrived, from what I remember it would be Lau, Ran Mao, Author, Siemens, Grey, Patrick Phelps, Carl Woodley, Grimsby Keane, Irene Diaz and Anthony Cartier. I was a bit concerned with inviting my own guest but I don't think it'll be a problem, Maritza and I being here hasn't changed too much of the story but... somehow I feel like that won't last.

Mari and I were running a bit late due to Mari's perfectionist behavior. Everything about us had to look perfect, from our dresses, our makeup and our hair. I was dressed in beautiful light green to match Ciel's dark green suit. Maritza in a sultry black dress that hugged her curves, it seems like Miss Mina gave her a bunch of new dresses to suit her more. We both wore our hair down together with curls at the end. We left our room and walked down to greet the guest. Ran Mao and Maritza greeted each other and complimented each other's beauty. They certainly match each others vibes.... I looked over to see Anthony standing by the drinks and walked up to him to greet him.

"Hello! Very pleasant to see you again," I bowed to him. He looked at me and smiled taking my hand placing a kiss on it. "I never thought Lord Phantomhive would've invited me to his manor. I thought the boy wasn't fond of me," Anthony said bowing back to me. I let out a nervous chuckle and scratched my head. "Well to be quite honest, I was the one to make sure you were invited. I wanted to see you again," I said attempting to hide my blushing face. I started to hear commotion from the adults, it seems they've gotten drunk rather quickly. I looked over to see what was going on before Anthony grabbed my chin to make me look back at him. "Well, I'm glad you invited me Lady Isabella," He said looking into my eyes. I never noticed he had emerald eyes until now. I nodded as he removed his hand. I bowed dismissing myself to take a seat as I watched everyone enjoy themselves. It seems like Ciel is enjoying Author's presence on the set of seats to the left of me. I always found it adorable that Author was so flustered about being invited to such a high noble event but he's the most famous one at this party... at least in my universe. Sherlock Holmes is one of the best.

I looked over and noticed Siemens getting handsy with Irene. "I said stop! Touching me with those indecent hands, I can't stand it anymore!" Irene cried out causing everyone to look over at what was going on. "I'm sorry but when you're dressed like that, I just..." Siemen slurred out drunkenly before grabbing onto Irene again causing her to slap him across the face. "You damn!" Siemen grabbed a glass of champagne off the table and threw it in Irene's direction but Ciel managed to cover, taking the champagne to the face. Everyone gasped at the sight and stood quietly watching. "This is a banquet, for the sake of the guest I'd ask you both to leave your argument here and-.." Ciel began before getting cut off by Irene's boyfriend, Grimsby yelling at Siemen, grabbing a bottle to throw at him. Sebastian caught the bottle and poured it onto a tower of wine glasses, creating a beautiful wine glass waterfall. I sighed in relief the adults stopped fighting and began drinking again after the commotion. I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around my body from behind, I turned to see Mari's crimson face and drunken eyes as she fawned over me. She reeked of alcohol and Lau's smoke. "You're so cute Isabella~! I could eat you up," She squealed pressing my face against her enlarged chest. I tried to pry myself away from her annoyed that she even let herself get this drunk knowing there was a murderer here. "You're drunk! Let go of me idiot," I whined out attempting to remove her grip off of me.

    -Maritza's Pov-

I let go of my sister as I spotted Sebastian speaking to Ciel. I let out a low giggle stumbling over to them then collapsing in Sebastian's arms. "Sebastian... play with me," I looked up at him with pitiful eyes, my hair falling against my breast. He looked down at me and smiled trying to keep his act up in front of everyone. "Oh dear Lady Maritza, it seems you may have had one too many to drink," Sebastian said attempting to stand me back up on my own. "Sebastian, I'm too drunk for later events, can you ensure Isabella is alright?" I whined, climbing on top of him, wrapping my arms around his neck. Shit what did I just say? I don't remember. Sebastian picked me up, placing his arms under my bottom and set me down on the chair. "Would you like some water Lady Maritza?" Sebastian offered, not feeding into my drunken behavior. I began to feel annoyed that he's not playing with me this time. Often times in private, he's quick to tease me and annoy me. I shook my head and grabbed him by his hair and pulled his face close to me. "Angelic of you to not tease a drunken woman," I said in a dark tone, his eyes turned crimson for a moment, a sign of a threat but I licked my lips and smirked at him. "Lady Maritza, this is not the time or place. Behave yourself or I'll have to ask you to excuse yourself... you don't want me to punish you right?" Sebastian whispered in a low husky tone removing my hand from his hair. I stayed quiet and nodded my head before getting up to stumble my way to over to Ran-Mao. I laid my head against her shoulder as she pet my hair silently.

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