Chapter 14: Noah's Arc Circus

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                                    ~Bella's Pov~
We finally made it to the circus, I'm not gonna lie I'm a bit exhausted from waiting for Ciel to make Undertaker laugh. I yawned as the three of us entered. I looked around at everyone, it was so different and more prepared than a circus where I'm from. We walked over to our seats, Ciel looked impressed at how fancy it was in here, well I was too actually. "It is quite elaborate," Sebastian said as we made it through the aisle. "Yes but no more so than any other circus," Ciel said handing his hat over to Sebastian. We sat down, Ciel was in the middle of both Sebastian and I. "I'm so excited!" I squealed, absolutely thrilled to see Snake. I kicked my feet and placed my hands on my flushed cheeks. "Be quiet, it's starting," Ciel shushed me. I pouted and crossed my arms.

Joker came out, greeted the audience and began his juggling act, showing off his prosthetic arm. I watched him carefully, he was extremely handsome in person and his Irish accent topped it off. The rest of the cast came out. He introduced Jumbo first, he breathed out a huge flame towards the audience. "Oh he's really big," I gulped remembering his unfortunate demise. Man, Finny is scary. The trapeze artists Wendy and Peter came out flipping towards each other in the air. Next it was the knife thrower who never misses his target, Dagger. His act was, of course, throwing knives at a woman who was on a spinning board. After, it was my dearly beloved Snake. As Joker was introducing him, I stood and started screaming and cheering on the top of my lungs. "WOOOO SNAKE!!! STAN SNAKE!!" I yelled before quickly getting snatched by Ciel to sit back down. "What on earth are you doing? Do something stupid like that again, I'm sending you home!" Ciel snapped at me. I ignored him, my eyes kept on Snake. After Snake, it was the circus princess, Doll, who was walking on a type rope. I looked up at Doll and noticed a liquid pouring down my cheeks. I touched my cheeks and it was red. I looked down to hide my face. Crying blood? Insane turn of events. True, I felt like I crying after seeing Snake but blood? Oh my god, is it head trauma! "I need a handkerchief," I whispered to Ciel, trying my best to keep the blood from touching my dress. He looked over and handed me one, I began to wipe my eyes and my cheeks quickly. "Blood—?" Ciel and Sebastian looked over at me. "Stop looking at me, you're going to draw attention," I snapped in a whisper. Sebastian placed Ciel's hat over my head, in hopes that it would help. Last that was introduced was Beast, the tamer of wildcats. She was center stage with a Tiger and a whip. "This very special act calls for some audience participation, are there any volunteers?" Joker calls out to the audience. "There doesn't seem to be any children in the final act either, this was a complete waste of my time," Ciel muttered out. Sebastian suddenly stood up and I placed my palm over my face, forgetting his love for cats for a moment. "Oh god," I muttered out. "Why are you standing did you see something?" Ciel asked obliviously. "Ohohoh! The gent in the tailcoat sure looks eager ay?" Joker said reaching his hand out towards Sebastian causing everyone in audience to turn to him. "Please come up on stage!" Joker said eagerly. Ciel looked shocked, Sebastian made his way down the steps and onto the stage.

I removed my hand from my face and began to watch as Sebastian made his way to the Tiger completely poker face, ignoring Joker and Beast. "Oh those big round eyes, quite positively blue!" Sebastian fondly spoke to the cat, caressing its fur. The audience, Ciel included, gasped out loud. Sebastian continued to spew out kind words to the cat, petting it. The tiger, of course, bit Sebastian on his face. I placed my palm on my face once more at this ridiculous scene. "Release that man immediately!" Beast called out cracking the whip back, in attempts to whip the huge catlike creature. Sebastian caught the whip and defended the cat's actions. "She's done nothing to warrant punishment. The fault lies with me. I was so overcome with her beauty, I behaved rudely. Furthermore, I doubt the indiscriminate whipping will prove effective way to tame them..." Sebastian said holding the whip up, smirking at Beasts way. I watched as Beasts face turned crimson from embarrassment. Sebastian smiled at her before the Tiger, of course, bit Sebastian on the top of his head. Ciel and I watched with our mouths dropped. The audience began to panic. After a while of this, the show was over.

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