Chapter 10: The Truth

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~Maritza's Pov~
"But there would be no need for the parallel theory if this is a canon universe," Bella stated putting on her maids uniform. We were in the middle of discussing what arc was next, I was certain we'd be following the anime but she believed we were following the manga. The parallel theory is the theory that Yana's outline for season 1 is parallel to what happens in the manga, it's a brilliant theory. "You're right actually... let's make a bet," I smirked tying my hair up. "Mm, fine. If I'm right you have to do my chores for a week! If you're right, I'll do yours," Bella said confidently. "Deal," we shook hands and went on with our duties. As I exited the room, I bumped right into Sebastian who was by our door. "I'd like to inform you, we are going into town. All of the servants are to come along, I'd rather not be burdened with you all ruining the manor," Sebastian said, he paused for a moment looking down at Bella and I. "And this time, you must stay in your uniforms," He said in an annoyed tone. Me and Bella were already in our uniforms, I don't understand why he'd be annoyed but we did have the habit of being out of uniform when going into town and gatherings and whatnot. We both nodded and went back into our rooms to pack our bags(mostly leaving the uniforms before of course).

When we arrived, Ciel and Sebastian left all of us at the townhouse. "Finnypoohh!!" Bella clung to Finny, climbing on his back. She's gotten rather clingy to him, he's always been one of her favorites. Finny ran around carrying Bella on his back. I sighed and sat down on the couch. Bard and Mey-Rin sat down next to me, we began chatting amongst ourselves. It was nice to speak with them, they were such a random bunch but enjoyable.

Hours went by and Ciel and Sebastian returned home. Me and Bella shot glances at each other before running up to them. "WOLVES OR INDIANS??" Bella screamed jumping onto Sebastian. My eyes widened as I attempted to pry her off. "What on earth is she going on about?" Ciel said side-eye'ing Bella. I successfully pulled her off of Sebastian. "You won, are you slow?? Do you see the other maid here?" I snapped at her shooting a mean glare. Bella looked around and it finally clicked to her. She jumped up and down in excitement. "HAHAHAHA- but wait.. where's.." Bella started off before being cut off by the door opening. Lau walked in rudely barging in. "How many times have I told you send a note first?" Ciel said slightly irritated. If Lau didn't wasn't originally with Ciel, we must still be following the anime.. Bella shot me a confused look. "Shall I bring some refreshments for our guest? Perhaps some tea my lord?" Sebastian suggested. "Oh dear, you might as well," Ciel said placing his hand on his forehead trying to hide the annoyance. "Perhaps Chai rather than Earl Grey?" Lau said with his usual grin. "Fine, whatever" Ciel muttered out before looking at the door. It seems like Agni and Prince Soma were standing at the doorway. I looked over at Bella whose tears seemed to be falling down from her eyes. "Agn..." Bella started to say as she attempted to walk over to the Prince and Agni. My eyes widened and I quickly snatched her back, covering her mouth. Sebastian looked down at us confused. Shit how do I cover that.. Bella began to uncontrollably cry, I panicked removing my hand to grab her arm, dragging her into a different room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I quietly snapped at her as I wiped away her tears. "I didn't think I'd get like this but— seeing him after knowing..." Bella cried out. I quickly covered her mouth once again, unable to console her. I sighed, I understood her emotions but she has to remember to play her role regardless. I released her mouth and picked her up carrying her. She wrapped her legs and arms around me and quietly wept like a baby. Time for damage control I guess. I walked up the stairs to find the other servants fawning over Prince Soma. Sebastian, Ciel, and Lau were standing at the doorway. "What's wrong with her?" Lau asked looking over at us, Bella hid her face in my shoulder. She looks like a fucking racist, oh my god how do I save this... "I don't know," I said through gritted teeth, unable to find an excuse. Sebastian was side eye-ing us. I felt deeply uncomfortable so I took my leave and dropped Bella off in our room.

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